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I would definitely check safe mode. The Breasts stretching to infinity is caused by corroneras skeleton not being applied to the game.I am not sure if this is caused by OBMM settings/utilities or a mod conflict caused by load order.EDIT The reason you should install Oblivion or Steam outside of program files is because UAC will not allow mods to work at all if UAC believes they pose a threat to your computer. Turning off UAC will eliminate this problem, but if you go online and someone manages to get a program inside of your computer that records your online banking transactions for a one month period and then sends the information back to them,You will not know it has happened until your bank account is empty and your credit cards are maxed out. The installation of games into a separate folder allows the modded games to work and still gives protection from unauthorised programs installing on your computer. With UAC active a program still needs your permission to install itself.
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I would definitely check safe mode. The Breasts stretching to infinity is caused by corroneras skeleton not being applied to the game.I am not sure if this is caused by OBMM settings/utilities or a mod conflict caused by load order.


Well I've gotten those working now. And it's all via putting things that everyplace and everyone else has advised to overwrite by hand into .rar's with the correct file structure and turning those rar's into OMODs. Strange. Convoluted. And thus far as I've seen unique to me? But at least it works.


Now to try and get the UFF_FF00 animations in and working... and oh yeah, find my missing eyeballs! o_O


Edit: Success. Those animations are also all working now! :)


Second Edit: So I'm noticing a consistency here, if there isn't a .esp file associated with a download, for some reason with my game I need to do this OMOD creation to get any overwrite files to actually take. Might this be steam related? Maybe I didn't have to move steam in the first place? I'd love it if someone else who has a steam version installed in the x64 folder could go ahead and try this tact first and report. Because when I DID go through the trouble of uninstalling and reinstalling steam and the game, all the same mods I couldn't see in my steam version could also not be seen in the new /games location.

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