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(WIP) War Trash 2


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Update #6

I don't understand. There are bugs that are popping up that weren't ever there before. I exit the game and load the last save, and the bug is gone. I start a new game, bug is gone. I do everything I can to replicate that bug, doesn’t ever happen again. I think, well that's good then, guess it was a onetime thing. Then I run into another bug I never saw again and the same thing happens. What's going on? What is the problem?

But right now I'm dealing with a major bug that I thought at first would be major, then I thought about it eating dinner and realized it would actually be a simple fix, then I got into the GECK and realized, yeah, it’s going to be difficult.

I admit scripting and programming is my weak suit, I once said War Trash was held together with spit and duct tape (or something along those lines), and that remains true. But I feel like no matter what I do to fix this major problem, nothing I do works. Its times like this that just zap my desire to create mods. I mean, I just spent three hours on the mod tonight and I kept running into random new bugs and I don't know what's going on. It seems like the more I play the worse it gets.

So, I've got no choice but to delay the mod indefinitely. I'm sorry, but I don't even know what the problem is, let alone how to fix it. On top of that I'm burning myself out with this thing. It was probably a mistake to put a release date in the trailer. If I remember correctly, I did that with the first War Trash too so I guess I just never learn lol.


And thanks for the well wishes guys, I'm glad everyone understands. If anyone knows how to mod I'd love some help. I'd also appreciate spamming Someguy's inbox with demands that he help me lol. (not really, please don't do that).

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  • 5 weeks later...

Update #7

It’s been a long, long time with no update. As I’m sure you’ve realized by now I had to delay the release of the mod due to bugs. But make no mistake, it is indeed a delay and not a cancellation. I didn’t communicate in the forums because I’ve been very busy. I’m going to attempt to explain myself and why it’s taken so long, so if you’re not interested I suggest skipping to the final paragraph or two.

The bugs are only part of the problem. My college did something really stupid: they split semesters in half, so the students have half the amount of time to learn the same amount of material. My plan was to release the mod in between these half semesters and move on to classes as well as other projects.

Unfortunately, that's when the bugs appeared, and they came down hard.

It completely screwed up my timing. I was looking for a job as a writer and managed to land one at Thumbsticks.com in early November, I was already geared up for NaNoWriMo (which I ended up quitting to save time), and I was trying to establish myself on Youtube as well (failed miserably). All that and a three month college semester on top it meant my plate was pretty full. Then all of a sudden I have to bug busting on a late mod as well? Something had to give, and for better or worse, that something was the mod.

I worked on it maybe once a week at best. If I'm being totally honest, my work load was only part of the issue. I genuinely just got tired of working on it. I got tired of trying to fix bugs that I didn’t know the cause of. I'm not a programmer, I just bash away at it until it works. I'm sure I've just created these issues for myself as much as I want to (and partially do) blame the GECK.

Good news though, always save that for last. I've figured out the main problem, sort of. I don’t really understand but I uninstalled New Vegas Bounties II and it suddenly started working again. I think it has something to do with the navmesh in a certain area causing NPC’s to act weirdly (not moving, trying to walk through walls, teleporting). There’s not really anything I can do to fix it, not on my end, all I can do is tell people to deactivate Bounties II. But that's okay, I'm sure telling people my mod isn't compatible with the second most popular quest mod will do wonders.

After fixing a few more bugs I’ve played through it twice now without any issues whatsoever. I’m fairly confident that its ready to go, and the mod will be released either Tuesday (December 2) or Thursday (December 4), depending on how much time I have. Thank you all for your patience, and once I again I apologize for the delay. Better late than never, right?

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Just take your time,its better if it gets relased later and we get an awsome masterpeice rather then an unfinished mess


*cough* Assassin's Creed Unity *cough*

Edited by chris20855
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