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how to create my own oblivion armor mod


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Hello. how can I create my own armor mod. So, Where can i find complete tutorial to teach me from zero to pro, or someone who very kind to teach me :P .. seriously I'm totally noob about graphic editing software, i mean create new texture, mesh or vanilla mesh , i didn't mind to buy the software if need to, that i know the modder used CS tool and something can import texture file like photoshop/nvidia.dds tool.. thanks.


here my ancient PC spec:

AMD Athlon 64 x2 5000+

win XP sp3 32bit

6gb ram,

9800gtx 512mb

500GB hardisk

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You know if you just searched a little you would find all the topics where this is asked (it quite often). However, the best advise I can give is just to look up tutorials (Google is your friend) and go through some that look interesting and learn how to model certain things in 3D space. Start simple like pens, lamps and desks. Then move to objects of more complexity. After you learn the program and fundamental techniques of modeling you apply it to what ever you are making. As for getting your objects into Oblivion, I would look here for some tutorials: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page



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You know if you just searched a little you would find all the topics where this is asked (it quite often). However, the best advise I can give is just to look up tutorials (Google is your friend) and go through some that look interesting and learn how to model certain things in 3D space. Start simple like pens, lamps and desks. Then move to objects of more complexity. After you learn the program and fundamental techniques of modeling you apply it to what ever you are making. As for getting your objects into Oblivion, I would look here for some tutorials: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page



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