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OOO+MMM / Various Minor mods crashing

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Hey i've been having a issue installing OOO and MMM conflicting for a bit, my main goal has been to get Oblivion with just OOO+MMM+Better Cities are the only huge mods i'm interested at the moment, besides alot of minor mods that shouldnt effect it i think




Better Cities


i'm been using OBMM, Wyre, BOSS and yet i've spent 3 days to get these perfectly working (mostly crashes upon startup), i'm highly perfering OMODs sence i dont like getting files everywhere, is there anyone whos also been using these to get working properly and might have a step by step guide? i've looked over the net but havent had much luck.


i know this is pretty basic and doesnt have much info but its 5am here i'll update with more when i wake up, thank you very much for any help

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These are all OMOD / BAIN


For MMM: MMM OMOD installer


For OOO, scroll to: OOO 1.33 OMOD-ready Complete


For Better Cities, you need the full install file and BOTH resource files: Better Cities


Install OOO first., then MMM (personally, I don't like MMM with OOO, because it overrides a lot of OOO creatures, and interferes with the essense of some mod quests (aesthetically) because of this -- and there are only a few creatures in MMM that are not already in OOO.


Install Better Cities last.

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These are all OMOD / BAIN


For MMM: MMM OMOD installer


For OOO, scroll to: OOO 1.33 OMOD-ready Complete


For Better Cities, you need the full install file and BOTH resource files: Better Cities


Install OOO first., then MMM (personally, I don't like MMM with OOO, because it overrides a lot of OOO creatures, and interferes with the essense of some mod quests (aesthetically) because of this -- and there are only a few creatures in MMM that are not already in OOO.


Install Better Cities last.


very gratful for the links, ok last night i uninstalled to start fresh, so far i've reinstalled, updated to the lastest patch, and installing Shivering isles right now.

the main thing i wonder is i already have this same OOO file but when i would create a new omod for it the manager would start up fine but always freeze, am i selecting it wrong or is a spot i should move the files, i could give it more time sence Better cities does that to but always finishes, i'll upload with a pictuce of my manager when i'm ready


Edit: got OOO on the manager, now working on MMM which says it requires Unoffical patch, just conferming if that is true or if it might conflict with others

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Apparenlty uploading pictures on this site or that exact pic of my mod manager gives me a blue screen of death, but anyway i got OOO installed and so far no errors, but i'm confused with all the files, i need atleast 3 different files for MMM and i only seem to find the OMOD installer and 37B3 but cant find a BSA file
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Apparenlty uploading pictures on this site or that exact pic of my mod manager gives me a blue screen of death, but anyway i got OOO installed and so far no errors, but i'm confused with all the files, i need atleast 3 different files for MMM and i only seem to find the OMOD installer and 37B3 but cant find a BSA file


Please read the description of the MMM OMOD file. You will see the links:

1. Download MMM 37b3 Public Release 3 (The main MMM plugin arhcive) from TESNexus or PES.

2. Download MMM373BSA.7z (the archive containing the 3.7b3 MMM.bsa archive).

3. Download MMM Divese WaterLife Update

4. Download "MMM_OMOD_Installer_1_6_1.rar"

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