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Finding Ref ID of NPCs in Creation Kit?


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is this possible? I'd like to find out the ref IDs of my custom NPCs but the only ID I can find is their form IDs (base IDs).

The only two ways I know of for finding ref IDs would be through the wikis or selecting the NPC in-game through console. Neither of which really helps for my custom NPCs.

So is there another way to get an actor's ref ID? It's gotta be there in the CK, right?

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reindeer51 - Hello!


Well I've never used the Skyrim creation kit but in GECK it is possible.


I'll explain how it would be found in GECK & hopefully that will work in Skyrim Creation Kit too.


The Base ID you've found is for the Base form of the NPC, the Reference ID is for the placed form of that base NPC so you need to go to where you placed your NPC in the creation kit's Render window.


You can locate the placed NPC quickly by right clicking on the Base form in the Object Window & selecting "Use Info" which brings up where it's been placed in the "world".


Once you've located the NPC in the Render window, double left click on them to bring up their Reference window.


In that window will be a blank box with "Reference Editor ID" that's used for giving a unique name for scripts to refer to. To the right of that box is a number in brackets like:




That's the NPC's Reference ID.


The first two digits, in this case 08, will be the mod index number (dependent on where your mod comes in your load order) which will probably be wrong in GECK as it's basing it on only mods loaded while working on your plugin.


You need to look in your mod manager to see what the real mod index number is, for instance the mod I'm looking at has a mod index number of 7c so the NPC's Reference number in game would be:




If you were giving the Reference number to mod users you'd say:




& explain to them to replace xx with the mod index number for their placing of your mod.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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Yeah, I checked and indeed the IDs are there. Funny, I've been using the Reference window so many times, seen those numbers yet this never really occurred to me.

Thanks so much for the detailed post. It'll surely be helpful to others as well

Edited by reindeer51
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reindeer51 - Hello!


"Yeah, I checked and indeed the IDs are there."


Great! I'm glad GECK & Skyrim Creation kit aren't too far apart then. :)


"Funny, I've been using the Reference window so many times, seen those numbers yet this never really occurred to me."


It was ages using GECK before I realised what they were too. :D


"Thanks so much for the detailed post. It'll surely be helpful to others as well"


Glad to have helped!



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  • 5 months later...

"Funny, I've been using the Reference window so many times, seen those numbers yet this never really occurred to me."


I did not find this funny. I found that this made me feel like a complete idiot. I'm glad I'm not alone. :D Thanks for the tip, guys.

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In CK you can go to the Actors section in Object window, right click the actor and select Use Info.

In the small window that opens you see all instances that are using that actors base.

Double click anyone of those instances and it'll take you to it.


eg: double click a reference that's using the base.


You can do this with any type of base forms in CK Object Window, quests, keywords, objects, basically anything.

Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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