nervwolf Posted October 16, 2014 Share Posted October 16, 2014 Hello, thought id try posting this in hopefully the right section this time. Been using mods for a while now then suddenly something broke the game and i have been trying to get it working ever since. Recently i think i managed to fix a problem with MCM and Project nevada however a new one seems to have appeared that is causing me to crash when i click on the Mojave maibox in good springs and some vanilla and modified boxes cannot be opend or will open and crash or the text is all mashed together. I have been unisntalling and reinstalling mods and adjusting everything through Nexus mod manager. I have been using FNVedit and Boss to sort items out to my limited ability and i have also used Loot to configure my mod lists without luck so far. I am using Windows 7 and using the FNV4gb mod to get the game going along with the latest version of NVSE and i do not have Darnfield installed. Here is a list of the mods i use sorted by LOOT, i am currently trying to get my head around using the FNVEdit to cleanup the mods listed below (i have been able to play the game successfully without cleaning them in the past) however if anyone reading this spots something it would be appreciated. FalloutNV.esmCRC: 26D5B980DeadMoney.esmCRC: D70F165BWarning: Contains 403 ITM records and 51 UDR records. Clean with FNVEdit.HonestHearts.esmCRC: 2352B189Warning: Contains 121 ITM records and 10 UDR records. Clean with FNVEdit.OldWorldBlues.esmCRC: 7F8F8225Warning: Contains 124 ITM records. Clean with FNVEdit.LonesomeRoad.esmCRC: 30073D50Warning: Contains 240 ITM records and 6 UDR records. Clean with FNVEdit.GunRunnersArsenal.esmCRC: AAC938DWarning: Contains 97 ITM records. Clean with FNVEdit.CaravanPack.esmCRC: 228740D1ClassicPack.esmCRC: 41F95714MercenaryPack.esmCRC: D377B2B9TribalPack.esmCRC: DE09873YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esmCRC: 9A33836FActors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.DeathItem, Actors.Stats, C.Light, C.Owner, C.Water, Deflst, Delev, Destructible, Factions, Graphics, Hair, Invent, Names, Relev, Scripts, Sound, Stats, WeaponModsAdvanced Recon Tech.esmCRC: AF3BFA97FCOMaster.esmCRC: 3441324BActors.ACBS, Eyes, Names, NPC.Race, NpcFacesELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esmCRC: EC7EB1BEActors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.AIPackages, Destructible, Invent, Names, NpcFaces, StatsAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmCRC: 53354F2FDeflst, InventNVInteriors_Core.esmCRC: A73F19ECVersion: 2.0NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esmCRC: 50D333A5Version: 1.3GraphicsoHUD.esmCRC: 279B63E9Project Nevada - Core.esmCRC: 2345512BInventMore Perks.esmCRC: 28CE3B92Version: 2.0.0NamesProject Nevada - Equipment.esmCRC: 2B4F3224Actors.ACBS, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Scripts, StatsMore Perks for Dead Money.esmCRC: 129204A2Version: 1.0.0Sortomatic.esmCRC: FFF00ED5Project Nevada - Rebalance.espCRC: B4A87776Delev, Invent, Names, StatsRustTownV1Master.esmCRC: 87593F4BELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esmCRC: D4710960Niner.esmCRC: AC90D927NVWillow.espCRC: 117EF973Version: 1.08Project Nevada - Cyberware.espCRC: 2E724F8CInventNevadaSkies.esmCRC: 5384D113More Perks for Honest Hearts.esmCRC: 25B6073BVersion: 1.0.0More Traits.esmCRC: 820E087DVersion: 1.0.0More Perks for Old World Blues.esmCRC: B980D0D2Version: 1.0.0DesertersFortress.esmCRC: B280E634Version: 1.0.0More Perks for Companions.esmCRC: D88B1E14Version: 1.0.0Project Nevada - Extra Options.esmCRC: E0467808SomeguySeries.esmCRC: B67C3495YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).espCRC: CCDBEF89Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.DeathItem, Actors.Stats, Delev, Factions, Invent, Names, NPC.Class, NPC.Race, NpcFaces, ScriptsAWOP - Balance and Cleanup.espCRC: 1F9DDB3EAdvanced Recon Tech.espCRC: DCCF98EDFCO - GlowingOne.espCRC: E746E1DWild Wasteland Integration.espCRC: BAAA4EA4Companions Relax.espCRC: 74A5E8FBLeatherBackpack - eng.espCRC: D4D22084NevadaSkies - Darker Nights.espCRC: CDAAD55EDesertersFortressUpdate_V1.1_DemiLore.espCRC: 69478936NevadaSkies - Western Edition.espCRC: 943769E8DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.espCRC: 462177C5EVE FNV - ALL DLC.espCRC: B2E352C4Delev, Destructible, Graphics, Invent, Names, Scripts, Sound, Stats, WeaponModsMore Perks for Old World Blues Update.espCRC: 7E701274Version: 1.0.5NamesFCO - Willow (Cazy).espCRC: BF99DE4NPC.Race, NpcFacesFCO - Willow.espCRC: 9AF6D105Actors.ACBS, NPC.Race, NpcFacesMore Perks for Dead Money Update.espCRC: 5CC6B9FDVersion: 1.0.9Actors.ACBS, InventFCO - Niner.espCRC: 8B016E91FCO - Sweat.espCRC: 4C39E0C0FlashlightNVSE.espCRC: DFA50EDBVersion: 1.22I Got Spurs.espCRC: 502E5EB5Better Burned Man.espCRC: A55EA863FCO - HD Teeth.espCRC: A534803Advanced Recon Gear.espCRC: 5F566502Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.espCRC: ABADC5B0Leather backpack - rus.espCRC: 88969C72Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.espCRC: 84EE1AF7More Perks for Companions Update.espCRC: 3321EC32Version: 1.0.6RustTownAdditions3.espCRC: A41C2CD1Factions, Invent, Namesoutsidebets.espCRC: E2ADCB31LUMENARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies Replacer.espCRC: A69BA1ADNote: Outdated and no longer to be used.WeaponModsExpanded.espCRC: F906878CVersion: 1.1.2Actors.AIData, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Stats, WeaponModsEVE FNV - NO GRA.espCRC: 883A49EDEVE FNV - NO DLC.espCRC: 183D67DFProject Nevada - EVE No DLC.espCRC: 85971FBEWMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.espCRC: 6FEDA69WMX-PreOrderPackTribal.espCRC: FA4A903BLUMENARIUM - Bright Clear Days.espCRC: F848C967More Perks Update.espCRC: B6C3123BVersion: 2.4.6Actors.ACBS, InventTheInheritance.espCRC: 71715D56RelationsWarning: Contains 2 UDR records and 4 deleted navmeshes. Clean with FNVEdit.1nivVSLArmors.espCRC: 2F6FB37Version: 1.2Deflst, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, StatsProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espCRC: 1A0901E8Project Nevada - EVE No GRA.espCRC: 4D8D8ABDProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espCRC: E0E2C3C0RelevWarning: Contains 22 ITM records. Clean with FNVEdit.Project Nevada - All DLC.espCRC: 9484B038Actors.DeathItem, Invent, RelevAnimatedIngestibles_0_5.espCRC: 4EE34CAAnimatedIngestibles_0_5_SitOnly.espCRC: D183891LightweightSanitizer.espCRC: 6DC9E0C9AnimatedDrinks_1_0.espCRC: F34EA5F1Readius_NV.espCRC: AC823D4Version: 1Russell.espCRC: B16B3467CourierCacheWSE.espCRC: 273E25C9AWOPDeadMoney.espCRC: C31C64A3AWOP Interior Music.espCRC: 1382C045LFox Bottle That Water.espCRC: 1BE298E2Names, ScriptsNevadaSkies - TTW Edition.espCRC: 793E20E3Version: 1.4.2.FCO - Russell.espCRC: F51CBC2CRustyhwys.espCRC: 71C4AF29MTB.espCRC: A214EC27AWOP - Dead Money Redone.espCRC: E9FA4FA5AWOPDeadMoneyVendorPatch.espCRC: FC4008C9NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.espCRC: DB90B3C9Version: 1.4.2.AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.espCRC: 588C544DNewVegasBounties.espCRC: 2B1B06E9NewVegasBountiesII.espCRC: 11D6AFEARelationsWarning: Contains 2 deleted navmeshes. Clean with FNVEdit.DesertersFotress - Update.espCRC: 439AEFEVersion: 1.1verBackpack.espCRC: 212EA66DMore Traits Update.espCRC: 62C8F5A5Version: 1.1.5Actors.ACBSMore Perks for Honest Hearts Update.espCRC: CF1527F2Version: 1.0.9GraphicsNevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.espCRC: D6B9E659Version: 1.4.2.Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.espCRC: DBE5EE6DAWOP DLC Conflict Error Fixes.espCRC: B671A9C4AWOP NO DLC Conflict Error Fixes.espCRC: F0FE242Fenclaveradio.espCRC: 425B4D91CONELRAD 640-1240.espCRC: BCA4AC81Version: 1.2BalisongMod.espCRC: 7574683FRealSmokes.espCRC: 69F458ACVersion: 1aWMX-OldWorldBlues.espCRC: 815AD8E3Version: 1.0.3Invent, WeaponModsWMX-DeadMoney.espCRC: 47BB627DVersion: 1.0.5Invent, WeaponModsilbuonorevolver.espCRC: FD58C0C8manwithnoname.espCRC: 9268E0Aclintsfistfulrevolver.espCRC: 1A8834DDWMX-PreOrderPackClassic.espCRC: 61AD4542NCRTrooperOverhaul.espCRC: BDDF839BGraphics, Invent, Names, StatsWarning: Contains 6 ITM records. Clean with FNVEdit.DragsCasualCourierAndMore.espCRC: 43DC53F2LUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.espCRC: 5484BC81NamesGunslinger.espCRC: D5FABE96DragsModernGunslinger.espCRC: 4E0E9F13DragsSeamConcealers.espCRC: B7F00544wearglassesmasksbandanas.espCRC: 276D95C2MercWanderer.espCRC: A144C450zzClothes.espCRC: 6ED16974Smith&Wesson Model 29.espCRC: A94E07B7The Mod Configuration Menu.espCRC: CCCC88E7Version: 1.5TheLozza's_Gasmasks.espCRC: D6B9F76BGas Masks of the World - PN Patch.espCRC: 9114AB42ThirdLeg.espCRC: 19024457TrooperOverhaul-Dragbody.espCRC: 40B5E4BCActors.ACBS, Deflst, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Sound, StatsWarning: Contains 4 ITM records. Clean with FNVEdit.UnlimitedCompanions.espCRC: B10AB30BVurt's WFO.espCRC: 71755F08Warning: Do not clean UDR records from this mod, otherwise, the game will crash on startup.Warning: Contains 356 ITM records. Clean with FNVEdit.TFH 1st Recon Helmet.espCRC: 5B4FF1EAUrgeWasterScarf.espCRC: CACEA62EWasteland Soldier - NV Edition.espCRC: 3242291CWMX-ArenovalisTextures.espCRC: 2BB62550Version: 1.2Graphics, NoMergeWMX-GunRunnersArsenal.espCRC: 305D1A74Version: 1.0.2Invent, WeaponModsWMX-LonesomeRoad.espCRC: F75391B3Version: 1.0.1Invent, WeaponModsWMX-HonestHearts.espCRC: 350FC235Version: 1.0.4Invent, WeaponModsWMX-EVE-AllDLC.espCRC: BD223930Version: 1.0.6Invent, WeaponModsWMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gromulos Posted October 16, 2014 Share Posted October 16, 2014 (edited) please paste your load order to then paste the link here, it will be much easier to read and I and others will be able to help you better :smile: also where is your patch file? ( merged or bashed ) with that many mods you HAVE to use a patch file to make them all work together correctly you have 2 of the 3 programs I usually recommend, the one you are missing is Wrye Flash, download it and try it out, it will automatically make you a a bashed patch, which you will then right click on and choose rebuild patch, then include all files, the MAIN reason you need wrye flash is LOOT is NOT 100 % and when used with Wrye FLash you can get your load order to be almost perfect, i will post a mini guide below that will explain everything :smile: ok here's some help for you, follow these directions and you shouldn't have any more problems You need to run LOOT, Wrye Flash and NVEdit, in that order LOOT is not 100% and if that is all you're using you're going to have many problems as you progress through your play through 1.5 ) with many mods loaded, you should be using 2 other programs ( Wrye Flash and NVEdit ), when you run Wrye Flash if any checkmarks are not green, those mods are causing problems in your game, you make them turn green by dragging them up or down in your load order in wrye flash till they do turn green, ok that's one problem 2) with many mods loaded into your game you HAVE to have either a merged patch or bashed patch file, once again Wrye flash is your friend because it will automatically make you a bashed patch file when it loads your mods. A bashed patch file makes all your weapon and armor and other mods play nice together, it also keeps track of leveled lists in the game and makes them work better together also. One other thing, make sure you enable ( check mark ) the bashed patch Wrye flash makes, which should always be last in your load order unless you're using an ENB. DO NOT USE A MERGED PATCH AND A BASHED PATCH AT THE SAME TIME, ONE OR THE OTHER. 3) NVEDIT is used to do 2 things, (A) verify that your load order is not missing any files that your mods need and (B) verify that no primary files are being loaded after secondary files. When you run NVEDIT it will throw up an error box and the error will be displayed at the bottom of the right pane / panel. All you have to do is read what it says and it will tell you exactly how to fix the problem in Wrye Flash. Yes, you can open Wrye Flash while NVEDIT is open so you don't even have to write down what the error is :smile: - concerning what the red, orange, and green check marks mean Red means a missing master file - basically a guaranteed CTD on startup. Orange means that some ESP has requested its master files in an order that is different to the the order that you currently have them in. Orange mods are arguably more dangerous, because you won't necessarily get an immediate CTD every time, so you may be lulled into a false sense of security, whereas in reality you have an unstable load order. Clicking on the orange/red mods will show you what masters they have, and what order they want them in. From here on in, it becomes like a puzzle: you need to manually drag and drop the various masters in your load order until their order is harmonious ( IE:. you've managed to provide the desired order of master files for every single ESP in your list simultaneously ) and all of your oranges have disappeared. If it's not possible to eliminate all orange mods, you may need to ditch one or two mods/patches. Wrye Flash - Edited October 16, 2014 by gromulos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nervwolf Posted October 17, 2014 Author Share Posted October 17, 2014 Hello thanks for the quick reply. I have not had time to do everything but what you have said has moved me forward a bit. I have installed and followed the instructions for Wyre and have created a bash patch for the game. The game does allow me to talk to NPCs and check inventory however I noticed the game seems to fail to load textures in the distance and following the tutorial quest with Sunny Smiles seems to cause the game to crash. Using Wyre, it gave me a message saying that project Nevada core was a Delinquent MASTER. Im still reading up on cleaning the mods via FNVEdit but i dont want to touch it until im sure what i am doing. Hopefully this link works if not i have copied the list from Wyre flash, there is a mod out of place (PN extras) on there which i have moved after copying the list, keeps moving when i rebash the patch. Active Mod Files:00 falloutnv.esm 01 DeadMoney.esm 02 HonestHearts.esm 03 OldWorldBlues.esm 04 LonesomeRoad.esm 05 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 06 CaravanPack.esm 07 ClassicPack.esm 08 MercenaryPack.esm 09 TribalPack.esm 0A YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm 0B Advanced Recon Tech.esm 0C FCOMaster.esm 0D ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm 0E AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm 0F NVInteriors_Core.esm 10 NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm 11 oHUD.esm 12 More Perks.esm 13 More Perks for Dead Money.esm [Version 1.0.0] 14 Sortomatic.esm 15 RustTownV1Master.esm 16 ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm 17 Niner.esm 18 NevadaSkies.esm 19 More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm [Version 1.0.0] 1A More Traits.esm [Version 1.0.0] 1B More Perks for Old World Blues.esm 1C DesertersFortress.esm 1D More Perks for Companions.esm [Version 1.0.0] 1E Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm ----> Delinquent MASTER: Project Nevada - Core.esm 1F SomeguySeries.esm 20 Project Nevada - Core.esm 21 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm 22 Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm [Version 6.6] 23 Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm [Version 6.6] 24 NVWillow.esp 25 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp 26 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp 27 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp 28 AWOP - Balance and Cleanup.esp 29 Advanced Recon Tech.esp 2A FCO - GlowingOne.esp 2B Wild Wasteland Integration.esp ++ Companions Relax.esp 2C LeatherBackpack - eng.esp 2D NevadaSkies - Darker Nights.esp 2E DesertersFortressUpdate_V1.1_DemiLore.esp 2F NevadaSkies - Western Edition.esp 30 DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp 31 EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp 32 More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp ** FCO - Willow (Cazy).esp 33 FCO - Willow.esp 34 More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp 35 FCO - Niner.esp 36 FCO - Sweat.esp 37 FlashlightNVSE.esp 38 I Got Spurs.esp 39 Better Burned Man.esp ++ FCO - HD Teeth.esp 3A Advanced Recon Gear.esp 3B Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp 3C Leather backpack - rus.esp 3D Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp 3E More Perks for Companions Update.esp 3F RustTownAdditions3.esp 40 outsidebets.esp 41 LUMENARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies Replacer.esp 42 WeaponModsExpanded.esp 43 WMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.esp 44 WMX-PreOrderPackTribal.esp 45 LUMENARIUM - Bright Clear Days.esp 46 More Perks Update.esp 47 TheInheritance.esp 48 1nivVSLArmors.esp [Version 1.2] 49 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp 4A Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp 4B Project Nevada - All DLC.esp 4C AnimatedIngestibles_0_5.esp 4D AnimatedIngestibles_0_5_SitOnly.esp 4E LightweightSanitizer.esp 4F AnimatedDrinks_1_0.esp 50 Readius_NV.esp 51 Russell.esp 52 CourierCacheWSE.esp 53 AWOPDeadMoney.esp 54 AWOP Interior Music.esp 55 LFox Bottle That Water.esp 56 FCO - Russell.esp 57 Rustyhwys.esp 58 MTB.esp 59 AWOP - Dead Money Redone.esp 5A AWOPDeadMoneyVendorPatch.esp 5B NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp 5C AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp 5D NewVegasBounties.esp 5E NewVegasBountiesII.esp 5F DesertersFotress - Update.esp [Version 1.1] 60 verBackpack.esp 61 More Traits Update.esp 62 More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp 63 NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp 64 Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp 65 AWOP DLC Conflict Error Fixes.esp ++ AWOP NO DLC Conflict Error Fixes.esp 66 enclaveradio.esp 67 CONELRAD 640-1240.esp 68 BalisongMod.esp 69 RealSmokes.esp 6A WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp 6B WMX-DeadMoney.esp 6C ilbuonorevolver.esp 6D manwithnoname.esp 6E clintsfistfulrevolver.esp 6F WMX-PreOrderPackClassic.esp 70 NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp 71 DragsCasualCourierAndMore.esp 72 LUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.esp 73 Gunslinger.esp 74 DragsModernGunslinger.esp 75 DragsSeamConcealers.esp 76 wearglassesmasksbandanas.esp 77 MercWanderer.esp 78 zzClothes.esp 79 Smith&Wesson Model 29.esp 7A TheLozza's_Gasmasks.esp 7B Gas Masks of the World - PN Patch.esp 7C ThirdLeg.esp 7D TrooperOverhaul-Dragbody.esp 7E UnlimitedCompanions.esp 7F Vurt's WFO.esp 80 TFH 1st Recon Helmet.esp 81 UrgeWasterScarf.esp 82 Wasteland Soldier - NV Edition.esp 83 WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp 84 WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp 85 WMX-LonesomeRoad.esp 86 WMX-HonestHearts.esp 87 WMX-EVE-AllDLC.esp 88 WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp 89 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp [Version 1.5] 8A ILO - A World of Pain.esp [Version 1.2] 8B ILO - GS Shack.esp [Version 1.2] 8C ILO - NVInteriors Project.esp [Version 1.5] 8D ILO - Rust Town.esp [Version 1.1] 8E Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp [Version 6.6] 8F populatedcasino.esp 90 Lucky38Suite_Reloaded.esp 91 Bashed Patch, 0.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gromulos Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 (edited) Delinquent MASTER means you have a secondary file loading before the master just remember that any mod in use that has a red or orange checkmark is out of place and WILL cause you problems in game, it's just a matter of dragging and dropping till everything is green also the bashed patch should always be last unless you're using an ENB, right above the bashed patch should be MCM and above MCM should be all followers / companions. You want your companions loaded almost last so that nothing will interfere with thier scripting, I believe the mod author for Willow even states to " put willow at the bottom of your load order " Edited October 17, 2014 by gromulos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nervwolf Posted October 18, 2014 Author Share Posted October 18, 2014 Well thank you for the info about FNVEdit and Wyre i was able to play the game for a good while today, however i think my problem may be missing textures causing a crash. Came back to good springs to find stuff not right, reinstalled NMCs texture pack and a couple of weapons installed by another mod lost their textures and this appears to have done it. Going to try fresh installs and then not touch it afterwards. Thanks for the help, your information has really helped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gromulos Posted October 19, 2014 Share Posted October 19, 2014 you are most welcome :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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