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Ideas for All Kinds of Mods (idk how to tag)


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I have many mods ideas over the years, but I never have the will or knowledge to do them. Im not sure if they have been done but i want to share my ideas anyways. The ones in the back seems easy to do, probably.


I really hope you would read it, or just browse through the titles to see what catches your fancy.


There are many aspects to my mod ideas, taking even a single part of them would be great. That's why im putting them in separate lines



Growing Children:


Allows you to train your child with events, improving their skills. then have them grow up and fight with you as your followers.




Lightable light sources:


This mod allows toggling light sources such as street light, torches, candles, lanterns. It could simply be a matter of pressing E or approaching with a fire source.


An extension of an idea is to be able to throw trash on the ground and allow them to burn (like the beehives for thieve's guild quest). could be similar to SM Drop Lit Torches


Drop Lit Torches http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10394/?


Lit sources deal a little bit of damage, no longer allows a person to dance in a pit of fire



Weighted Spells:


Projectile type spells such as fireballs are thrown with an arc.


Distance is affected by charging time




Stackable Buffs:


Allowing the same buff to cast on self multiple times. A way to balance it would be the second would be x times harder to cast




Deadly Smithing (or skills):


In my opinion, all skills mastered should be deadly. The Requiem Overhaul did a fine job with that by adding some offensive powers to all skills. So i thought, there should be a mod that gives craftable traps and contraptions that makes no one underestimates a blacksmith. I realized that there are mods like this but im not just talking about a couple of mines and bombs. Im thinking of a whole array of weapons.


Here are a couple of ideas:

Basics: spikes on ground, bear traps, hanging spikes (like the ones in dawnguard), blowdarts, a bag of flour that explodes when lit

Intermediate: Deployable dwarvern crossbow, tripwires, falling rocks, flame sprout trap, falling mace

Expert: Swing blades, spike doors

Master:detonating time bombs planted on walls, battering rams placed on the ceiling, compressed air cannon


The idea is damages are dealt without leveling other skills such as archery or one handed weaponry


Deployable Traps by ciedeeh: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9463/?

Dwemer Traps, Bombs and Arrows by littlebaron: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21254/?




Gloves and Shield Effects:


Gloves that allows casting of wards


Shield causing elemental damage when bashing




Disguising Barrels and Boxes!! :


Hiding under a box or barrel that avoids detection when not moving




Humanoid Spriggan and Flame Atronach:


Bet im not the only one that thought about this. New mesh that make spriggans and flame atronah half human and most importantly, very hot. (maybe change ravenhags too)




Miniature Spell Effects:


Replace mashes for spelling effects when it's charged up and before casting. For example, a small ice storm twirling in hand, or flaming vortex for flame cloak, a small dagger visible for bound dagger.




Personalized Weather:


Walking around with a small cloud, make it rain, snow, lightning storm, or plain cloudy




Animated Footprints:


Leave a trail of fire, grass or butterflys as you walk.




Animal Business:


just for fun. Animals leaves behind their business.watch your steps




Claw Weapons:


Battle Claws by Loshirai14: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28022/?


Maybe more effects, like an sapphire one, or electric


Forge dragon claw keys into weapons




Carry the Dead:


A dimension or pouch to put dead bodies, and you could bring them out anytime. Necromancers




Personalized Effects:


Walk around with your own effect! Tormented souls, ghost snakes, personal stink and lies, butterflies


Glowtastic by Vysh: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12253/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D12253%26preview%3D&pUp=1




Planes of Oblivion:


A little patch of Oblivion for each daedric princes, maybe quests or just player homes









Capture and shrink things or people or animals into models?


choosing a model for mannequins by selecting someone in the wilds?





Well, that's all i could remember. I hope I inspired some people, blown your minds, and i really hope you would consider making these.

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Try using the search function - I know several of these have been done. If you really can't figure out the nexus search - Google search works to find mods also.

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