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How To Install Plugins/mods


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One main concern here. I have added modes before when I played Morrowind but, have not for oblivion as of yet. I have played Oblivion on PS3 but what to give some mods a run. I will most likely play Skyrim on my PS3 as well for the time being as my PC will not be able to handle at its best and that is just not acceptable to me. So, is there a limit to the mods that can be played at one time in Oblivion? thank you for your time and insight.
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The limit is 255 and then once you start using tools like Wrye Bash to get around that limit there is another around 400 I believe (but don't quote me on the second one).
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I'm only a little off topic here but I am having trouble getting the Better Bounce mod to work I let the mod manager install it but it still does not work, is there some kind of menu that I have to find, if so how do I do it?

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If by "the mod manager" you are talking about Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) you are headed down the road of infinite trouble. NMM isn't compatible with many (or perhaps I should say most) Oblivion mods. If a mod tells you to use NMM to install then by all means go ahead. The majority of mods here were last updated long before the first version of NMM was released and NMM does not know how to install any mods that come as OMODs (which are native to Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM)) and even mods that are "OMOD compatible format" will just confuse NMM and it will fail and report errors.


Get in the habit of reading a mod's install instructions, and if you run into trouble post a question in either the mod comments or start a topic here. Often if you read through a mod's comments you'll find your question answered many times over.

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I've started to mod Oblivion. I managed to get FCOM superpack installed but now I have a few questions. One is that I can't get mods like LAPF to work with the game (won't even load up). I've been using TesMM mostly for a mod manager and NMM when necessary. I read that Wrye Bash is the best so I've installed that while just starting to try to figure it out. I know I've used it some for Skyrim but not to install mods.

What do I do about this message Wrye Bash is giving me? I ran LOOT (I just read to use BOSS instead) and rebuilt the Bashed Patch in WB and got an error about the SuperPatch.esp from FCOM I believe but the bashed patch is green now and my game seems to be better. I'm not sure I can add another mod without messing it up again. Although after rebuilding the Bashed Patch the Arena entrance and signs are much lower than they should be and the door impossible to enter without disabling it with the console. Other than that I haven't seem much else messed up.:

Resolved by rebuilding the Bashed patch in WB.
"NoMerge Tagged Mods
Following mods are tagged NoMerge and should be deactivated and imported into the bashed patch but are currently active.
• EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp
• EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp"


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The authors of EVE marked those ESPs with a No Merge bash tag, instructing Wrye Bash to not deactivate the ESPs and merge their contents into the bashed patch, but instead to leave the ESPs active and then Wrye Bash will merge some of the ESP records into the bashed patch (same as any other mod that has stuff that can be merged into the bashed patch but not deactivated). Wrye Bash believes that all of the changes made by those ESPs can be safely merged into the bashed patch and the ESPs deactivated so it gives you the report. The only compelling reason to do that is to save ESP slots for other mods (but deactivating them won't be enough if you are at the ESP limit ... they will need to be ghosted as well).


Bottom line ... follow the mod author's advice unless you are pushing the 255 ESP limit.


The only thing I know about "superpaks" is I see plenty of advice from knowledgeable people who say to avoid them. I am far too pick and choosey to use anybody else's "use all these mods" advice/superpak. I use exactly the mods I have researched and chosen, and only those mods.

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Is it Ok to use the Snapshot Build Version of LOOT 0.9.1-17. Regular LOOT was no help. 'Though I've heard that really BOSS is the one to use with a new masterlist.txt in it's folder. What do you think?

Thank you

I just started modding Oblivion and it seemed like FCOM Superpack did for me what I wouldn't have the ability to get through myself from this video. The guy is entertaining, he seems to dabble in magic shows.
I totally understand where you're coming from though. I have FNV, Skyrim (both with MO) & FO4 (manually) modded like crazy so keeping them up-to-date keeps me something to do.
FCOM Superpack download: (2.4GB) I'll vouch for this being a virus-free download.

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In my opinion BOSS is the tool to use for Oblivion load order management. If you run into a mod (usually a fairly new mod) that isn't on the masterlist you can set up a user rule for it and report it to mhahn123 in the mod comments here and it will be added to the masterlist.
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