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How To Install Plugins/mods


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XP makes it much easier.


Download the mod into a folder - preferably OUTSIDE of the Oblivion folder. Then use a unzipping program such as 7-zip to extract the mod into the oblivion/data folder.


If you don't already have it get OBMM it makes working with mods much easier.


Use either OBMM or the data file when you start the game to select the mods you want to be active (maximum of only 254 allowed)


Then, Play.


I have a set of help files for people who are not computer geeks and are new to mods. They include downloading, extracting (unzipping) installing and activating mods. I have included a simple mod to practice on and instructions for installing and using 7-zip. If you are interested, click on the highlighted link below to be taken to the site where they are kept. I recommend starting with #1 and working your way through them.




If you use them I would appreciate some feedback as to what needs improvement and what works for you. Please be honest and don't worry about hurting my feelings with criticism as I have a thick skin.

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Did you try the help file I recomended? It dosn't need anything else to run, no patches, no OBSE, no dependancies at all.


Many mods require the latest patch from Bethesda, or OBSE.


If you got your game through a download such as D2D, You have to go to them for any patches. The ones at the official site will not work because of the D2D copy protection. Programs like OBSE will probably not work because of the D2D copy protection. If you have a pirate version, sorry about your luck. Don't be so cheap, buy the game.


If you have the Game of the Year version, you don't need a patch.


To find what version you have, look in the lower left corner on the loading screen. If it shows v1.2.0416 you already have the latest patch.


You only need to install the latest patch, v1.2.0416, all of the stuff from earlier patches are included.


If you have Shivering Isles, DO NOT use the Oblivion patch, ONLY use the latest Shivering Isles patch. All of the oblivion stuff is included. There is only one English version SI patch for both US & UK versions.


If you DO NOT have Shivering Isles, use only the latest Oblivion patch for the language version on your original install disk.


Be sure to get your patch from the official Bethesda site where they have FREE patches for every language version, There are 2 English versions, UK & US be sure to get the one that matches your disk.


Bethesda site: http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm


OBSE is available here: http://obse.silverlock.org/

Be sure to read the install instructions as it does not install like a mod. Also, you MUST start OBSE every time before Oblivion or it will not work. If you launch Oblivion from OBMM, it automatically starts using OBSE if OBSE is installed.

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I just installed the Shivering Isles part of my Game of the Year edition as it contains the patch and now Oblivion keeps encountering problems (you know, those ones where it asks if you want to send an error report). I think that it has something to do with my graphics card, but I figured you'd have a better idea of what's up with it.
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The error report is Microsoft and has nothing to do with the game. If you do send it you will get a message saying it is not a MS problem and you should contact the maker of the program - totally useless.


What Graphics card do you have? and do you have the latest patch for it?


Did you install OBSE? it really is needed for many mods. When do you get the crash? on starting or after playing a while, or in a particular place?


Here is my generic crash help info


Crashes are a part of the Oblivion experience. It's the game's way of telling you that you need to take a break. :whistling:


There will always be some crashes, all we can do is minimize them.


Save often, it will keep the frustration level down. :wallbash:


Anything running in the background can cause a crash. Especially a program that likes to call home, such as an antivirus program that updates without warning, or an instant messaging program trying to connect. :down:


Start by disabling everything that accesses the internet when you play. that includes the Vonage, Skype, IM, xfire and anything that calls in or out.


You might even disable internet access altogether.


Many programs use an auto update feature - such as HP printers (how often does your printer driver need updating?)

MS auto update can cause crashes. Some of these will even try to connect when the internet is disabled, and keep trying every ten minutes or so. If you can, disable the autoupdate function, at least while playing. :(


Then look for programs that run in the background, they are stealing time from the game and if they don't give control back quick enough - crash. MS indexing service, antivirus progs that scan everything in the background, Auto defrag programs, Scheduling programs all steal cycles from the game. Any of these can cause crashes. >:(


After you have cut down the crashes caused by external stuff, start looking at your mods. Some mods just don't play well with others. And for some the


load order is very important. BOSS works for most load order problems, but it can't set them all. There are over 15,000 mods on Tesnexus alone.


Another often overlooked source of crashes is removing a mod. If you remove a mod that affects game play, it can cause a crash when something from the missing mod is referenced in game. The most common is the unable to enter Bruma crash. This is caused when you complete a part of the main quest with one character, make a new character, load an old save and try to enter Bruma with the new character. There is something (spoiler) in Bruma that references your old character - which is no longer in the game.


Then there are the Nvidia black screen crashes. A quick way around them is to disable both AA and HDR in your video settings. Then after you are passed the point where the black screen occurs, re-enable whichever you use. There are many posts telling what has worked for some, and not worked for others, along with several mods that help.


Try this, Windom Earle_s Oblivion Crash Prevention System :thumbsup:




It's being updated often so if it doesn't fix all of your crashes check back in a few days. It completely eliminated my crash on exit as well as some others (but not all)


Note, it is not a mod and doesn't install like a mod, so be sure to read the instructions. :closedeyes:


New info. A lot of unused .exe files left in the /data folder can cause problems. It seems that Oblivion likes to look through all of the unused files and even the extra folders in the /oblivion folder. new recommendation, make a new folder - OUTSIDE of /oblivion to keep this unused stuff. such as Bethesda/Oblivion_Mods. Note that Later versions of Wrye bash already do this with the ghosting feature. If you have a folder for unused mods in your /Oblivion folder, move it into the new/Oblivion_Mods folder. :rolleyes:


Essentially, clean up your Oblivio/data folder and move everything not needed in /Oblivion and /Data to a new folder outside of /Oblivion.


If you are keeping your original or copies of zipped downloads inside of the /Oblivion folder, move them out too.


Also, if you can, empty the windows prefetch folder it may be keeping info on older now unused mods, and Oblivion will look for them if it sees that they are supposed to be there.


You probably won't be able to get rid of all of them, but you can minimize them. :thumbsup:

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Ok guys new to tesnexus but im massive oblivion fan for xbox 360 and im just startin for pc . anyway i downloaded the AA spells and i opened it with .rar clicked the .esp ,extracted to my data in oblivion then i loaded up the launcher went to data nd clicked on it loaded my save up and the dragon in the IC isnt there ........ any ideas on whats wrong send me a message



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