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I'm working on a mod and it would be very helpful if someone could tell me how to move a creature to a NPC that I have casted a spell on.

aaatestzombie.moveto x

What do I put where the x is to get the zombie to move to the NPC? I have the rest of the script working so this is the only problem. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

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The problem is the NPC could be anywhere in relation to the player, i would use aaatestzombie.moveto player 0, 100, 0

This will place the zombie directly in front of the player, you will need to play around with the coordinates to see wich suits you best.

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I've decided to change the spell to touch because that means the NPC will be in front of the player when the spell is cast so it should work with just aaatestzombie.moveto player 0, 100, 0
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