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Adult Rating in mods, SPB's mod deletions


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Secondly, There are two key problems with the assumption of responsibility that you mention.


A- That there are a handful of people who get their entertainment from browsing specifically for things which offend them, which then seemingly gives them permission to spew whatever hateful things they feel are important enough to say about the person who uploaded that image/mod. It there were more responsible users, then there would not be so many bans for flaming, harassment, or other things which accompany people finding something they don't agree with.


B- That while most uploaders are responsible, there are many who are not, and would have no second thoughts about uploading images/mods containing pedophilia, bestiality, or other acts which are legally punishable for simply viewing. Like it or not, but this site has to have some regulations toward what it can host in order to keep itself free from legal problems which would shut it down. One side of this is respecting copyright, the other side is making sure that explicit content is decidedly separated from general content. If there is a failure in ensuring that copyrighted images are not hosted, the site can be shut down. If there is a failure in ensuring that minors cannot access explicit content, the site can be shut down. Although Dark0ne owns the site, it is hosted on servers in countries which have some sort of legal system who tends to frown quite heavily on this sort of stuff going on unchecked.


I hear you on both. Some people are never happy unless they are whining - look how many trolls/flamers get banned every day (3-4 on average). Makes me wonder what rock they slithered out from under.


I am also sick of hearing about the mod _______ ___ ______ (I won't name it - don't need to get into trouble, but you all know what it is). The subject matter is sick, and while I hate censorship of all kinds, I have to applaud The Nexus for not hosting it (even if the stuff in it wasn't illegal) :thumbsup: and banning those who keep bringing it back or linking to it (although I do think banning for it's mere mention is a little over the top - but it's not my call)


It's almost like they live to make life miserable for others. I'm 39 now and I don't get it, when I turn 1039 I will be no closer to figuring it out than I am right now. :wallbash:

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^If you're pissed off because you can't follow the rules, that's your trouble. And quite childish.


@Isabelxxx - It's actually not a practical change at all since designating the site as an adult site would open up a host of new considerations that would affect the kind of advertisements the site would attract, could very well affect the server providers who are less and less willing to host adult content thus driving the costs up, and falls under a different set of governing regulations.


It's damned impractical, actually, aside from the fact that Dark0ne doesn't want to host an adult site.


Beyond that, I want to know what mods are and are not adult before I stumble upon them, thank you very much, even though I'm no prude. I find them largely uninteresting.


I'm tempted to count your posts on this thread because it seems to me you're going on and on and on to the point you're just beating a dead horse. Give it a rest. Or maybe it just seems like you've been arguing about it a lot, in that case my bad.

Edited by myrmaad
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If I were banned for something so small after providing high quality content for FREE, I would take down my stuff and never come back too.

There is however a rather unique case, compared to normal bannings, due to a variety of reasons. First off, the accounts which were banned were reinstated without any penalty, many of them without even so much as asking. Second, the accounts which were reinstated were sent a message where it was explained that their account was banned as a result of a confusion about rules and how they were explained, and was unbanned regardless of what degree they had crossed over those rules. Third, which is unique to SpeedBuster, I was not keen on the idea of banning from the start, and actually voiced my distaste for it to staff, long before any public objection was raised. Forth, even after being reinstated, considerable effort has been made to try and reconcile differences and explain the situation, something which is entirely unprecedented. Fifth, we are continually looking for ways to improve the situation before it gets worse. Sixth, while the situation is as ugly and unwanted as it is simply because the events which led to it have not occurred before, it is because of this situation that new policies and procedures are being adopted for ALL users.


That said, your comments do not help anyone, and speak only of rash, destructive behavior.

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As usual, the Moderators here have gone above-and-beyond to make these forums a friendly, well-run internet haunt! If any particular user/poster/modder doesn't feel that his/her contributions are welcomed/valued, he/she is free to remove them and/or take them elsewhere.


But, unlike many other parts of the on-line community, this one has standards and the will to maintain them.


Thank you, Myrmaad and Vagrant0 (not to mention Robin and the rest of the Staff group!)

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I don't normally allow myself to get involved in this sort of debate, and will not now. But I just want to reiterate something I have said elsewhere and add a little to it. The moderators on this site seem to me to go so far above and beyond those on any other site I have visited. You keep it user friendly. You make every effort to keep as many of us happy as possible. You deal largely with a population of users who are greatful to have this delightful home to come to and to use in whatever way suits the individual. Unfortunately you also seem to have to spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with the ingrates who just seem to have a need to find something to complain about or rant about. It seems to me that we all need to remember that nothing is perfect, and nothing can please all of the people all of the time. I believe that Dark One and his team have set up a site they should be proud of, and I have read the last few rather eloquent posts by Vagrant0 trying to defend a position that should not even need defending. We come to this site for free and use it whenever we want to, and they do all the work. (All right even if you pay to be a premium member, it a relatively small amount of money, all things considered. Most of us pay more for one of our games). Let's get over yourselves people. Deal with it!
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Amen, ditto and all that. I have been here for around two years and never had I at any time looked at a moderator post and said "what the h e double toothpicks." They choose to answer these questions because they want people to understand the why as well as the what. In reality...like many sites..they don't HAVE to answer anything. Be grateful they ALL take the time to clear the air.


Everyone just needs to un-wad their panties here and let it rest. The arguments and questions are just becoming repetitive and a waste of valuble time. Though I appreciate people becoming involved in the site (as I am not often able to be) there is a time and place. If you have a serious, personal question re-read the rules, terms and these postings. If you still don't have an answer someone, especially the Nexus Team will help you anytime.


To Granny, Myr and Vagrant....thumbs up and kudos to you.

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Vagrant0 already explained that. And obviously I'm sure that no one -well that's not true, there are exceptions- wants to see advertising of the type we are suspecting in the web. So the web is right as it is.


Therefore the problem is the way advertising, users, laws, governs, hosts and mentality of the society works...

There is no connection between responsibility, logic and necessarily consider the web as "pornexus" web with the change.


But I know that this can not be understood by the necessary people -advertising, users, laws, governs, hosts- mentioned and maintain the web as it is at the same time. The web would change with that unless these change.


@To users:

The last posts of some users here are bit [...]. It have been written in the first post that all is solved and explained -related with the user and the misunderstand-. If someone can not maintain a serious conversation don't write useless things.

I'm not able to change the tittle in the first post so read the red letters -and then the entire topic after writing-....


And not sure why others are talking about the proper work of the staff, rating the reasons given by users -without writing anything specific-, explaining points that anyone with common sense knows, ect... without giving -again- anything useful to the topic. (I'm not saying that these points are not true but useless)


Destructive behavior is not only what a few post was writing but entering into topics in order to praise some and/or despise others without writing at less one word related with the topic discussed at this time. Use other topic to give kudos, thanks or writing that.


Being ironic about this, maybe there should be a rating for topics named "conversation between users" where is not necessary anything but writing about the topic. The image share was changed having in mind this consideration of quality.





By my side I think that the questions are already answered and the suggestions received by the staff. So unless anyone wants to provide anything more you can lock the topic or at less change the tittle (not sure if that's possible) in order to not having more misunderstands with this. Users may want to write about the "image share and others" here but I didn't open this with that idea in mind and could provoke more disturbance.

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If memory serves, it's the first time since some eight years here that a rookie comes along with a slightly provoking "@ to users".

What's that? Have I missed somethin'? If so, tell me, and be patient with me. Thank you.

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@To users:

The last posts of some users here are bit [...]. It have been written in the first post that all is solved and explained -related with the user and the misunderstand-. If someone can not maintain a serious conversation don't write useless things.

I'm not able to change the tittle in the first post so read the red letters -and then the entire topic after writing-....





I agree this should be locked. However my post was NOT directed at you or yours but the continued questioning of this topic (thus my agreement with closing it.) and not in reference of your original questioning. If your post quoted above is not referenced toward mine then good. I always shoot straight and try to get a point across with a little humor. However if it is...or to whomever it is toward....I would be careful calling post unserious or useless....as at least mine...are rarely either. Just some friendly advice.

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For some reason I'm suddenly wondering if I understand a word you've said.


You're hear to call for common sense and logic? From my viewpoint those are in short supply and high demand in the general population of the world. That's why humankind has had systems of governance since we stood upright. You seem to be (endlessly) campaigning, but for what purpose? It's as if we've gone beyond explanation and graduated to philosophical debate, which is inappropriate because the rule is no longer up for discussion, the time for the decision making has already passed.


I kicked the dead horse because I could have sworn you were still beating it, I thought you must not have understood the nuance of Vagrant's post.


We're not so much conversation nazis here, normal conversation with creative people meanders to surprising and often interesting connections. The connection from a perceived berating to the defense of the berated is a logical conclusion. We all may have different ideas of what posts are "useless", just as we all differ on what may be appropriate imagery for a general public accessible forum.


It's funny how that works too, isn't it? "I don't want to be dictated to about what I might post, but I wish to dictate what you might post." That's the stance, is it not?


My own preference is always to hear from a wide variety of voices, a round table if you will, rather than endure an endless radio broadcast on a loop.


Surenas, I think you've missed nothing. :)


Personally, I don't appreciate willy-nilly locking of topics on a whim. For what purpose? This is still a conversation, not a free for all. What would you prefer to rename the topic? That's easily accomplished.

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