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data directory help?


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im new to moding. is the data directory the data files that you get when you click data files on the oblivion window that pops up when you click the short cut?

the mods readme says

-Copy Or Extract Files Into The "Data" Directory.

-Copy Paste The Lines From ArchiveInvalidation.txt To Your One If You Don't Wanna Overwrite Your Existing One.

-ArchiveInvalidation.txt File Must Be Under The "Data" Directory.

if im incorrect could some awesome person please tell me the correct instructions thank you!

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No,the Data Folder is usually in C:Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\>>>Data<<<. Download and install Oblivion Mod Manager and use the bsa redirection in utilities OR download and install the Mod called "Archive Invalidation Invalidated"instead of trying to use the method you are describing. If you have Windows Vista or 7 you should really install Oblivion into a folder that is outside of "Program Files" before you start adding mods. I use C:Games\Oblivion. Read the pinned Topic "Oblivion Modding Links" in Oblivion Modifications>General Mod Talk.
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And if you're using Vista or Win7, and don't want to reinstall Oblivion, you could turn off UAC. (This is not recommended unless you are experienced with computers)


And I second yeldarb's advice, instead of trying to manually edit the ArchiveInvalidation.txt, use Oblivion Mod Manager. (This software is recommended anyway, as it makes ordering your load list much easier)

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