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Updating the quest journal when you acquire an item or kill a person


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So, I'm wondering... How do you update the quest log when you acquire a specified item or kill a person?


I know this is probably a relatively simple thing to do, but I'm new and still getting the hang of this stuff.

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So, I'm wondering... How do you update the quest log when you acquire a specified item or kill a person?


I know this is probably a relatively simple thing to do, but I'm new and still getting the hang of this stuff.


lets say the quest is called aaStorm and you want it to progress to stage 15 if the player picks up a sword called Bob


You will need a short variable to make this happen only once


short custard


begin gamemode


if custard == 0 && player.getitemcount Bob == 1

setstage aaStorm 15

set custard to 1




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So, that's a script, right? I haven't actually gotten into those, yet. Like I said, I'm fairly new. So, once I make the script, how do I apply it, or does it apply automatically?


Also, how would I go about doing the same thing for killing someone and progressing the quest?

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Yes thats a script ( I've had a beer so I gave it daft names )...you need to make a quest and attach the script to that. Scripts dont work unless you attach them to something, the three things you can write a script for are Magic, Quest and Object....Magic only works with a begin scripteffectstart block, but begin gamemode can be attached to both quest and object ( they also run every frame per second ), whereas begin onadd, begin onactivate and begin onequip only run once. Yes it's possible to progress a quest upon the death of an NPC, but I only know how to do this using OBSE.


ref actor


begin gamemode


set actor to player.getcrosshairref


thats one way, the other is to write a loop script that checks all NPC's within the same cell as the player


set actor to player.getnumrefs 69 1


You can also progress a quest through dialogue.


sorry I am not being much use here, but I have had a beer and what you are trying to accomplish will not be easy if you know nothing about script. You either need to do some serious study of script or I can write it for you...but dont count your chickens before they hatch with me.

Edited by slygothmog
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I wrote a script on notepad you can copy and paste into a quest script ( you will need to use ctrl + v as right click dont bring up the small menu in script ), you will need to give it the ID of the NPC and the questID + the stage number you wish to progress to.

This script will constantly check all npc's that are in the same cell as the player ( both interior and exterior ) and once the relevant one is dead will progress the quest to whatever stage you set within the script.

If you have problems give me a shout either here or via a PM. ( now i have bad hangover :( )


You will need to launch the CS via OBSE for this to work....if you dont know how to do this, again gimme a shout.

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To make a quest update when a NPC dies:


Attached to a Quest: (i.e if you want it to update when more than one npc is dead)

Begin GameMode

if (FirstNPCRef.GetDead == 1) && (SecondNPCRef.GetDead == 1)
Setstage 'QuestID' 'QuestStage'





Attached to a NPC:

Begin OnDeath

Setstage 'QuestID' 'QuestStage'


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This script:

short DoOnce

begin gamemode

if DoOnce == 0 && player.getitemcount ItemRef/ItemID == 1
setstage 'QuestID' 'QuestStage'
set DoOnce to 1


Can be used for both object and Quest. I would make it a quest script though. (This requires that you use the ItemRef, and not the ItemID)

Then, if both these scripts are for the same quest, you would just add them to the same script.

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Okay, one more question... I'm trying to get a quest to update when you read a note. I was trying something like this, but it obviously didn't work:


ScriptName AssassinsContract2


short DoOnce


begin gamemode


if DoOnce == 0 && IsActionRef player == 1 && GetStage AHAdemarQuest02 == 10 || GetStage AHAdemarQuest02 == 25 && player.GetIsUsedItem AHContract2 == 1

SetStage AHAdemarQuest02 30

Set DoOnce to 1





Let me know what I'm doing wrong.

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