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Fallout Tactics Robots


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Would anyone else like to see a mod with a Behemoth or Pacification Robot or any others? A Robot Factory would be great, but it would be just as cool to run into them in the Wasteland.




Each Behemoth has in excess of 1000 hitpoints and very strong armor. The Mini Gun that the robot uses can easily kill a character on a critical hit, but has relatively short range. The weapon uses .50 Cal and any ammunition the robot did not use can be scavenged from the corpse.




The Pacification Robot is a is a quadrapedal, built rather like a rhino or a bear on all fours, with four stun cannons protruding from the "head". It stands about 5 to 6 feet tall. Its purpose is crowd control and incapacitating tougher units so they can be dealt with by humanoid robots.



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Woot !

I didin't played tactics, but as I saw these pictures, I got a feeling like "I want to defeat an army of these, than have one of each as a companion" (maybe with the "robco cartified")

Good idea ! :smile:


Thanks! For others who haven't played this game, a behemoth's leg is about as big as a person and if you had your whole team (6 guys in power armor) attack the robot, 2 of them would usually get torn apart by bullets and you'd have to re-load... it was scary to run into one unprepared.

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