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Help with Oblivion Graphics Extender


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Hi all!

I want to know is here anyone who knows how to make OBGE work properly?

I have installed it fine and I have OBSE as well.

When I'm in game the OBGE menu pops up but no matter what I do I'm not seeing any change.

So what I want to know:

How can I enable any shader option?

What numbers are the best to set in several shaders?


I'll be very gratefull if someone replies.

Ps.:Sorry if a similar topic is already exist I've searched for it but couldn't found any.

Ps 2.:Sorry for my bad english I'm hungarian.

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From what I understand, this mod does not "Do" anything by itself; it is a resource that other modders can use in Their mods. For instance, I believe Blade Song makes use of it.


There are a few options if you hit Ctrl-Home, but basically you'd need to make a mod that affects something for you to see any real effects in-game.

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