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A temporary fix for the missing forum features


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I've written a quick user script (click to install, Greasemonkey or Chrome required) to replace some of the custom features that have been missing since the forced forum upgrade, until they're fixed. Right now it only replaces the links to various Nexus profiles on profile pages and the kudos button (just the button, not the actual kudos count) on the forums. I've been trying to figure out a way to display AP/kudos count, but the possibilities are quite limited and I don't think I'll get that to work - it is only a temporary solution, after all.


At any rate, it'll return some of the functionality that's missing atm. :wink:



[EDIT]Okay, what it does so far:

  • Links to Nexus profiles on forum profile
  • Return of the "give kudos" button on topics
  • Links to Nexus sites in upper navigation bar


Feel free to provide suggestions, if you have any. :happy:

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Is it possible to place a quick link back to the Nexus sites from the forums?

Done. I also fixed the Twitter and Facebook links in the dropdown menu. :wink:

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Great work Argomirr! :D

The dropdown menu is always dropped down though^^


Let's hope it won't take too long till we get the features back. :)

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The dropdown menu is always dropped down though^^

Have you got JavaScript disabled? It works fine on my end, but you have to enable JavaScript for it to work.

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