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Alternate Start - Live Another Life Crash


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load order is wrong, try this below :)


try this mini guide I have developed over time, works for a LOT of people and it's really easy :smile:


1) You need to run LOOT, Wrye Bash and TES5Edit, in that order


Loot is not 100% and if that is all you're using you're going to have many problems as you progress through your play through


1.5 ) with many mods loaded, you should be using 2 other programs ( Wrye Bash and TES5Edit ), when you run Wrye Bash if any checkmarks are not green, those mods are causing problems in your game, you make them turn green by dragging them up or down in your load order in wrye bash till they do turn green, ok that's one problem


2) with many mods loaded into your game you HAVE to have either a merged patch or bashed patch file, once again Wrye Bash is your friend because it will automatically make you a bashed patch file when it loads your mods. A bashed patch file makes all your weapon and armor and other mods play nice together, it also keeps track of leveled lists in the game and makes them work better together also. One other thing, make sure you enable ( check mark ) the bashed patch Wrye Bash makes, then right click it and choose rebuild patch as the one Wrye Bash makes is empty, which should always be last in your load order unless you're using an ENB or the Reproccer. DO NOT USE A MERGED PATCH AND A BASHED PATCH AT THE SAME TIME, ONE OR THE OTHER.


3) TES5EDIT is used to do 2 things,


(A) verify that your load order is not missing any files that your mods need and


(B) verify that no primary files are being loaded after secondary files. When you run TES5EDIT it will throw up an error box and the error will be displayed at the bottom of the right pane / panel. All you have to do is read what it says and it will tell you exactly how to fix the problem in Wrye Bash. Yes, you can open Wrye Bash while TES5EDIT is open so you don't even have to write down what the error is :smile:


Please remember that while LOOT is a great program it is NOT 100 %


- concerning what the red, orange, and green check marks mean

Red means a missing master file - basically a guaranteed CTD on startup. Orange means that some ESP has requested its master files in an order that is different to the the order that you currently have them in. Orange mods are arguably more dangerous, because you won't necessarily get an immediate CTD every time, so you may be lulled into a false sense of security, whereas in reality you have an unstable load order.

Clicking on the orange/red mods will show you what masters they have, and what order they want them in. From here on in, it becomes like a puzzle: you need to manually drag and drop the various masters in your load order until their order is harmonious ( IE:. you've managed to provide the desired order of master files for every single ESP in your list simultaneously ) and all of your oranges have disappeared. If it's not possible to eliminate all orange mods, you may need to ditch one or two mods/patches.


All the files in here are in my siggy, just run them in the order I have them listed


Let me know if you need any more help :smile:

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Depends on the mod, and which mod you want to be active. For example, I have Ethereal Elven Overhaul and BTRH Waifu. I want the BTRH Waifu effects, but still have the EEO effects on NPCs not affected by BTRH. So if I installed EEO first, I will overwrite it with BTRH. But if I had installed BTRH first, I will select "no to mod".

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  • 2 months later...

I have a problem, i am using live another life, and i can sleep and all, but when i go to bed and wake up, no matter what a pick, somthing goes wrong, eather i crash all together in the wilds, stuck in bars as patrions, or if i start as a thalmor, i can go outside but i am limited to the small snowy chunck and it just leads to a cliff off the world ext ext ext.

s#*! goes wrong.

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  • 3 months later...

im getting a bug how when i save it after using this mod and then quit skyrim then open her back up i get a CTD but this is usually when i quit skyrim for the nite and go to sleep then wake up thing or quit skyrim close laptop and not turning it off and then trying to go in and i get a CTD that way too and if i use TES5Edit, loot or boss im positive its this mod but yeah :/ last time i tried tes5edit / loot it stuffed up the game and then there is boss well that completely F**kn lost me


can someone help me with this? i like alternate start cause i dont have to wait 45 minutes to get out of damn helgen and then the storyline wont be thrown at me i would be doing it at my own pace :P

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  • 4 months later...

After a round of modding skyrim I encountered this problem. I could start the game and begin Alternate Start Live Another Life, but I would get CTDs after I did either:

1) Try to use the bed after talking to the Mara Statue

2) Save and Load the game.


This problem persisted even when I switched to a minimal load order with just ASLAL and no other mods.


What the problem ended up being was that in the last round of modding I switched from using ENB to SweetFX, and I did not replace the d3d9.dll file. After I replaced that file with the one supplied by the SweetFX mod I was now using the problem went away.


Now that mod managers are so common, when troubleshooting it's easy to overlook the files that need to be placed directly in the Data directory, like ENB and SweetFX. And as I just found out they can cause strange behaviour when there are problems with them.

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