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2GB VRAM or 4GB?

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I agree with everything fmod said. As for the others.. . 2gb is great at 1080p, even on games that say they need more. 4gb is great for 1440p and some higher resolutions.


Most games out now are recommending stupid system requirements to make the buyer believe theyre more graphically intensive than they are. And many new games recommend so much vram because they fill as much as you have. Technically Wolfenstein: TNO will us over 6gb, for example. But 2 gb wont bottleneck it. How is that possible, you ask? Many new games only clear your vram when you run out. So it will fill up before it starts clearing, and thus we have crazy requirements which mean nothing in terms of real performance.


This also leads to people checking their vram usage, seeing their 6gb card filled to capacity, and thinking they need even more. That is ridiculous. 6 gb cards and above are only for people with crazy resolutions and multi monitor setups.


The limiting factor here is your 860m, it is indeed roughly the same as a desktop gtx 750 ti. The vram is not limiting you, the rest of the card is.

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I think the new minimum is 4GB of VRAM,




I have 3gb gtx 780 cuz was gunna sli another one but skyrim doesn't support sli so i'm screwed cuz 3gb isn't enough. I'm trying to sell my 780 now so i can buy a titan (6gb) or something. I suppose if i get the TITAN, i'll SLI another TITAN into my rig next year or so.

Unlikey: skyrim can not effectively use more than 3gb. Buying a Titan would give you marginal returns at best, and not from the vram, just from the fact that it's a 780 versus a Titan. Also, sli does not increase your vram. When you sli, your vram is the same as one card individually. The vram does not add together, even though they sell it as if it does.

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