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a little rant


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so i was browsing the nexus after a few days of absence and checked the files of the month.


as a modder myself i value every mod effort and could not have done either of those mods myself. the following thoughts just came to my mind and i wanted to do a thread on it. i do not want to devalue any work done by the modders or offend the modders.


yet i am really baffled at the moment how a relativly simple follower mod gets more votes than a year long work on an armor pack or a very good enchantment pack. what baffles me even more is how this folower mod gets more votes than the other follower mod on the fotm which has not one, but 8 followers. the one mod uses vanilla skyrim dialogue (even though the japanese voice files), the other mod uses 8 voice actors plus additional voice actors for custom quests for some of the followers. one mod has no custom songs, one does. one follower mod has a few vanilla lines, the other has thousands of lines of custom dialogue.


so how come, even though there is a serious quality difference, one mod gets a third more votes?


i am really interested in your answers and please keep it civil !!!

Edited by TWarrior
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I have noticed this as well and I get the impression, that if you make a sexy babe with a skimpy outfit, you will get a whole lot more endorsements and praise, over a serious, story driven follower with a decent voice actor with a "non-sexy theme", or any other proper mods. I hate to take a Anita Sarkeesian here, but it seems a bit as though a large portion of gamers are just playing out their fantasies. Personally I think you should just go ahead and do your thing, but, it is still a little sad.

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It all depends on how many players actually downloaded and used the mod. Even if the work is outstanding, but cliche it won't receive the same amount of votes. Aslo the new mods tend to get more points due to players interest, while 1 year old mods nominated after an update don't have same impact most likely because users voted for it already in the past.

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The simple answer is that people will vote for what they like. If people like a follower more than an armor pack, they'll be more likely to vote for the follower. If people like one particular follower more than a pack of other followers, they that's the one they'll vote for.


Everyone plays the game a different way. Some people like to play for a challenge or for realism, so their votes would tend to go toward a mod that provides that. Others play for stories and such, and so they would probably be more likely to vote for quest mods. Some people play to make characters that look nice for screenshots, so they'd probably vote for some character texture pack or a nice armor. And that's assuming that these people even vote on File of the Month. I honestly just forget it even exists, and only look at it when someone makes a post about it (usually criticizing the inclusion of a particular mod). In the end, it's all up to the opinions of those that are voting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you asking why one mod has more endorsements or why one mod is liked more? Because the first one has a simple answer: it appeals to more people. The second one would require an in-depth marketing research with lots of surveys. What some people tend to forget is that loads of people treat Skyrim as the ultimate sims game and go for aesthetics over gameplay.


Endorsements aren't a reflection of your effort but of how well your mod is received. If you really want endorsements that bad go promote your mod, make a funny youtube series, have famous people talk about it etc. In the end you're still not getting any money for those endorsements..

Edited by husbandnotthewife
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DemongelRex, i feel quite insulted the way you seem to be insinuating that just because i'm not playing the game at its highest difficulty and trying to crush all the challenges, that i'm somehow lowering the quality of video games. Skyrim is a great game for me to pop on and just go wander for a few hours, muddle about, and relax after a long day. or maybe i want to experience some new stuff by trying to make a character that i'll rp and try to tell a story about. The whole point of skyrim is the immersion, not the challenge. and for me, if i were in this world, i'd prefer to just take my time, and get a nice feel for it all. instead of waisting my time trying to prove how perfect a gamer i am.


Video games don't have to be challenges all the time. games can be stories, they can be experiences, they can be just a good time. I play Pokemon, but it baffles me how there is a large percentage of players who will go through all this complex math and stuff to maxmize their experience, when it just looks like you're wasting your time and sucking the fun out of it all.


Sorry, but if you are going to look down your nose at us Casual players, then I'm going to look down my nose at you competition-ists.

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I don't care if people download boobs mods all day, if they want it - please go for it. But:

What do you think about mods that are ... kind of misleading?


At the moment there is a peculiar mod in the "hot files". It even deactivated the post/comment section.


Nexus could/should really step up there and "protect" less experienced mod-users.

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