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Everything posted by husbandnotthewife

  1. It's simple: 4k textures will always be higher quality than 2k no matter what monitor you use. See it like this: the texture is 4k which is prettier than 2k. Your monitor is a tool to look at this texture, the better the tool the better the picture. Looking at a 2k texture with a shitty monitor will look worse than looking at a 4k texture with the same shitty monitor.
  2. If you have an ENB you can adjust your night levels yourself.
  3. Simple, every follower is constantly tracked when he is following you, having multiple wait can influence your fps quite a bit. There's follower mods like Amazing follower tweaks, that allow you to dismiss followers and have them stay in that location rather than having them wait without dismissing to prevent them from walking back to their spawn point.
  4. Unfortunately some of your mods require SkyUi (really tons of mods require it) why exactly don't you want SkyUi? It's a huge improvement over vanilla imo..
  5. If it doesn't happen on a new save your save is corrupted, can't be fixed.
  6. Are you asking why one mod has more endorsements or why one mod is liked more? Because the first one has a simple answer: it appeals to more people. The second one would require an in-depth marketing research with lots of surveys. What some people tend to forget is that loads of people treat Skyrim as the ultimate sims game and go for aesthetics over gameplay. Endorsements aren't a reflection of your effort but of how well your mod is received. If you really want endorsements that bad go promote your mod, make a funny youtube series, have famous people talk about it etc. In the end you're still not getting any money for those endorsements..
  7. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58221/? This has multiple hairs that look almost identical to Elsa's hair.
  8. Does it happen on a new save? If so, try disabling all of your .esps, make a copy of your save and go to the area, save there and start enabling your .esps one by one or in groups of five till it crashes. Easiest and fastest way to find the culprit.
  9. Did you try disabling your markarth related .esps? I count at least two of them. Markarthplus and markarthexterieur
  10. This explains how he was able to pump out mods so fast at least.
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