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Ren and Corean hairs


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I've got Ren's Beauty Pack (Only hairs/eyes), and I want to run Corean hairs with it. I've also got COBL running, and use OBMM. How do I get both mods to run together without one overwriting the other? I really want to run both of them without getting stuck with vanilla eyes, or otherwise conflicting with one another.
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Yeah, but some NPCs suddenly ended up bald (Jensine, Edla, et al). It led me to believe I was missing a necessary mod. So I looked up Corean hair, installed it, and it overwrote the Ren hairs and set all eyes to vanilla (My character's eyes were also from the Ren mod).
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I actually had the exact opposite issue with COBL. Suddenly, almost all of the NPCs had long hair (not the same long hair, but lot's of different ones). Now, this might be the intent, but it was still odd to me.


Regarding the missing content, did you download the "Cobl Cosmetics Res 01" pack on the COBL page ( http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21104 )? I had a similar issue when I started because I hadn't realized I needed to install that, and so when I tried to create a new character, most of the new races looked incredibly weird or didn't load at all.



Put spaces around the link, because it wasn't working right.

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