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Looking for potential "Recruits" to large-scale project, set in UK


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Hello, People of the Internet.


I am currently in the early stages of an enormous mod, which, when finished will add a new worldspace, new voiced characters, new armour, weapons, etc, and have a long, complicated main quest, along with a number of side quests.


The mod will be set in the United Kingdom (No, I don't mean something that adds a generic faction into the Mojave without any reasonable explanation, and retexture 1 piece of armour with a flag on the back, I mean it actually takes place IN the UK, with a reasonable explanation for the Couriers presence there.) The UK will be true to the Bethesda vision of Europe, meaning that the situation in Britain is significantly worse than that of the Mojave, or even the Capital Wasteland. The cities, (Including London, the mods central location) are irradiated, collapsing etc. The country is trapped in a continuing war between the factions which survived the Great War, between whom the player will be able to choose to ally themselves.



I have 'skills' with texture making/retexturing, world/interior space design, and I'm obviously writing the story/dialogue/characters, etc. I can write a basic dialogue tree, and a simple quest, but I would rather see something a lot more refined and polished, and quite beyond my ability in this area.


This is why I am looking to "recruit" anyone with that sort of skill, who would be interested in contributing to such a mod, as well as voice actors, both male and female. The voice actors would preferably be British, obviously, given the setting, but there may be American or European NPCs as well, as the story progresses.


Anyone interested in helping develop this mod, post here, private message me, etc.






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  • 2 weeks later...

I can do some voice work. Keep in mind Im not british, but i am quite skilled at accenting my voice (I have a neutral accent by nature). PM me with details and Ill see if I can get you a demo.


Edit: i can do Scottish, irish, and british accents.

Edited by thebestdamncourier
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I dont mean to impose on your topic, but I am also building a team to a very large mod. Perhaps if you are unable to succeed in this mod, or even if you find my project more compelling, you would consider joining our team. Check out my recent forum post

Star Wars Total Conversion

for more info and the first chapter of the story.


happy modding

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a pretty noob voice actor(started like 8 months ago) but i do however (at least by what others say) have quite a deep voice. If you require a man who needs to sound like their under a helmet and sort of a deep voice i think i can do that :3. Also if you need help writing some characters I can also help in that.

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A bit new to the website and everything, but I certainly wouldn't mind helping out where I can! I don't have a very interesting or near European voice, in fact I'm Hispanic, so don't try to get me to do anything like that. I could help with story line plots and character creation, as well as anything else I could assist in.

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