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Creature not optional for levelled list?


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I'm trying to update MoMod but it's been a while and feeling rather noobish right now :psyduck:


Anyway the problem is this, i've made some more dragons to place in the existing levelled lists but they wont show up in the drop list. Dragging the actors into the levelled actor doesn't seem to work either, it shows up but when I change the level at which they would spawn it reverts to the first actor in the list... :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:


:psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

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I was having this same EXACT issue. Problem is having scripts, apparently the "NoScript" versions of the dragons are the ones in the leveled lists because they can't have scripts on them. What I did was made duplicates of basic, scripted dragons and applied the changes I needed to, for my mod, new outfit stuffs thus far for the new dragons thus far. I then duplicated the NoScript versions and had them use the scripted versions of my dragons as a base.


Pros: They spawn in and fight and all that jazz as they should


Cons: For some reason the extend script that should apply to them from my mod doesn't, and they don't have souls.


I'm pretty sure that for some reason the DragonActorScript isn't working properly on them, but I can't figure out why. Want to help me figure out what's going on so we can help each other?

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