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Gray Screen!


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So this happens at random points and I've fixed it by messing with the video settings, but it's not working this time. I made a new character using the same mods as my previous one, but the screen turned gray out of no where. I switched over to HDR to see if that would help. It didn't. I tried using the black screen mod fix and nothing seems to work. Does anyone else have any suggestions on how to fix this?
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  • 3 months later...
I get this ALL the time. This is a new card new installation and everything. I Get the SAME thing but mine STAYS like that. When I Enable HDR I have Asus.. Something wrong with that though?
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Using All Natural solved this problem for me, well it decreased it to barely noticeable levels.


Also if you are using a bashed patch then look through the options for nvidia fog fix, this might also help.

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no no It says it has something to do with my graphics card..




This is my problem. If you have any way to fix it.. Please tell me HDR.. IS like AMAZING... And My graphics card is..


NVidia Geforce GT 240 D:! PLEASE help me..

Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1, Build 7600)

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Have you edited your Oblivion.ini file? Remember that you CANNOT have HDR and Bloom together. Try deleting your Oblivion.ini from \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\ and restart the game from the launcher, so that your graphics card is re-detected and initialised.
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*mumbles* mmm.. Okay Here..



mmm.... Okay here is 2...



mmm... Okay here is 3... *mumbles*



So I did what you asked. Boom same thing >_> can't see nothing D: Unless I go to inventory. and if I go outside it's Blueish GREY D:

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Have you edited your Oblivion.ini file? Remember that you CANNOT have HDR and Bloom together. Try deleting your Oblivion.ini from \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\ and restart the game from the launcher, so that your graphics card is re-detected and initialised.



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Ok, I'm not familiar with that video card. Is it up to Oblivion minimum specs? Do you have DirectX 9.0c installed? If the answer to those questions is 'yes', then I suggest a complete uninstall as per Bben's uninstall procedure, and then reinstall outside of Program Files -- install Oblivion to somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion\.
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