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Fallout Character Overhaul + Mikoto's Beauty Pack


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So I just beat the game (yay) and I decided I wanted to try a different kind of character... but only after implementing many more mods, which has been going surprisingly well.


In my last game I used the FO Character Overhaul by itself, making characters look significantly better. In reemplementing FOCO(Fallout Character Overhaul) I saw that it mentioned Mikoto's Beauty Pack as something to be used with it. I looked it up and it looked cool, so I implemented that too.


Then I realized, the eyes that are unique to MBP(Mikoto's Beauty Pack) only work with the skins available from MBP, not the skins from FOCO. This wouldn't be a problem, except... MBP skins are ugly. Then there's the additional problem that (and this didn't happen the last time I played) all NPCs have these bizarro-looking eyes for some reason now.


It really is a shame, because FOCO has great skins and MBP has great eyes, but both have terrible examples of the other's.


(Of course, it's entirely possible that I'm simply doing something wrong- which would be convenient because it should be that much easier to fix)






NPCs are ugly, help.

Edited by bushwhacker2k
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Found it!

Actually, we could have assumed this. Drumber: "Don't let Mikoto overwrite my [FCO] mod. Mikoto eyes won't work with FCO races anyway as my mesh is different."


Now, how about FCO with Mojave Delight + Mojave Delighted?

Edited by boycad
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