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Toolset Not Working

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Well I'm like a pig in mud the toolset works and beautifully I might add. I now cannot create characters ingame in either DA:O or DA:A (I've attached screenshots of both). Worked fine then suddenly stopped. Can't fathom it at all any ideas???


Thank you for your invaluable assistance, had a lot of fun messing about with MSSQL as I needed to do a recovery on the database using some coding that needed fiddling with. Felt so good when things worked though.


Thank you



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Downloading character creator to see if this makes a difference. Not holding my breathe tho


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Right toolset and character generation now working (except for human nobles, wont load the modules after creating and saving them in Castle Cousland. Will run one to Ostagar and see what happens). Putting on mods one by one to see which one is the breaker.
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