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[REL/WIP] Populated Prisons


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Thank you very much guys! Will be adding all those dialogues! :)


And Esscex, I'm not quite sure really.. when I read these lines, I do it with some kind of crazy/drunkard voice, so it would be funnier with voice acting, that's for sure.


EDIT: Voice Acting it is! :)

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Thank you very much guys! Will be adding all those dialogues! :)


And Esscex, I'm not quite sure really.. when I read these lines, I do it with some kind of crazy/drunkard voice, so it would be funnier with voice acting, that's for sure.


EDIT: Voice Acting it is! :)


Yeah when I was typing the Murderer lines I kept saying them in a voice real similar to Desmond's from Lost, only more deranged. Anyway, it's awesome to hear that this mod will feature voice acting. Whenever you finish I'll definitely have to download it.

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Not all prisoners are the chatty type, so you might want to have some simply giving you an angry stare and not say anything at all or may go with a "What are you lookin' at, punk?" type of line. It's realistic and it won't give you too work when it comes to voicing. Good luck on that BTW :thumbsup:


A crazy: They told me I'm gotta bath... I CAN'T DO THAT! It's the only thing that's keeping the Hlaalu agents from finding me! Do you know how long it takes to collect enough mudcrab blood to cover the body?!

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Funny I made somthing like this myself a while back


What you could include that i included was a scripted hangings ! I placed a gallow resource in Ic prison district and I made a line of prisoners stand by it and a static prisoner hanging from the gallows.Creates a nice little effect and you can script the hangeee to change his appearance

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haha, thank you guys! :)


alonso, that was a great idea - I might just add that! :D

Would require a new name to the mod really, but it would definitely make it better!

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in my mod I also included a torture/ interogation chamber and it actually worked a lot ! It was much like the fighters guild thing where you beat the person up till they talk If I find where i left the mod i would be happy to give you all the scripts and stuff for the gallows and such
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Oh, that would be great! :D

Saves some time and work as wellˆˆ


(And of course, if you can find it, you will be included in the credits/authors)

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Okay, will keep that in mind if I need any help. :)


This first new version will only include the dialogues though, and then the next version will be with some more features. :)

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