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Can Numidium think? can they feel emotion?

This is certainly open to interpretation and debate. The Numidium is definitely intelligent, and can converse with those who can survive the encounter as seen in c0da. The subject of "emotion" is a tricky one, but my understanding is that the Dwemer didn't understand the concept of Love (with a capital L, which is subtly different than love as we know it, and an important concept to understand when attempting to move above the Mundane) which brought them to their current state upon the activation of the Numidium. It's important to note that concepts are essentially on an equal footing with reality in TES, and helps put in perspective the idea that Numidium is both a physical being (the giant metal robot) and a conceptualization of uncreation.


Edit: Check my Sig for another reference to Love, and how it relates to Royalty if you're interested in diving further into the rabbit hole of emotion in TES, although it is sort of off topic for this thread.

Edited by Dudeman325
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what's the difference between love and Love? is that like the difference between a demon and a Demon? (xanth?)


and i'm guessing the dwemer were a sort of extreme version of the pure-logic type of people? unable to deal with emotions and social ques and whatnot? Borderline or actual autism, etc?

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I'd suggest reading the Lessons of Vivec if you want to delve further into this. I'll admit it's not something that I've paid much attention to, but it seems that Love is more of a "universal" concept than an individual one, and is tied to the idea of the Tower and understanding that reality is fake, but wanting it to continue existing anyway.


The Dwemer certainly had mundane emotions like any other mortal. It's when you start looking at "divine emotions as concepts" that you see that they had a completely different way of looking at things than Men or other Mer.

Edited by Dudeman325
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Believe me, there isn't much that I understand about them either. Most of what we have as reference came from the 36 Lessons, and what Vivec was trying to teach the Nerevarine about CHIM. It seems that the Dwemer were on a similar path, but due to their way of understanding, failed in properly achieving it (or succeeded, depending on your interpretation of their goals).
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As I understand it has to do with their beliefs regarding the divine and physical reality, basically that they didn't understand that what they believed to be reality was fake and that they had no desire for its continued existence (edit: or rather, their continued existence within it?), but there really isn't much information on it that I've digested yet. Any more learned Dwemer scholars care to take a crack at this? Edited by Dudeman325
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wait, the dwemer didn't realize their world was fake?


and what's this whole fake reality? do they know their in a video game? is this like the Decarte conundrum taken to its logical extrremes? or rather, the actual extremes he listed in his book

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