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The Currently Reading Thread .........


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OK so I chop and change a lot in my reading urges, but I'm now reading "Adolf Hitler, My Part in his Downfall" by Spike Milligan. I don't know how well-known he is (or was) outside the UK, but he is (was) one VERY funny bloke. To give you an idea, the Monty Python crew were enormously influenced by him.


This is the first of 3 volumes written by Milligan about his real-life experiences (heavily spattered with humoUr) during the 2nd World War. Light reading with some hefty laughs :D

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I'm currently reading through The Night's Dawn trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton. 'Tis great sci-fi. Then I'm going to read through all of Ian M. Banks' novels. So many books, so little time...
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As of this very hour I am reading: The 6 sacred Stones by Mathew Reilly..

I have read about all his other books as well (Favorite is most likely Contest).


I also enjoy the Sharpe's series by Bernard Cornwell.

Along with the Viking series, Arther and his other series.


Thats bout it as of right now.. :(


Oh and the Odyssey.. That's a must read in my opinion..

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I am reading Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb, Fear Nothing by Dean Koontz, Hideaway by Dean Koontz, Hellgate London: Exodus by Mel Odom, and a collection of H.P. Lovecraft stories. I am currently waiting for the next book after Six Sacred Stones, by Matthew Reily, and the next book in Stephanie Meyers' Twilight series.
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I am reading Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb, Fear Nothing by Dean Koontz, Hideaway by Dean Koontz, Hellgate London: Exodus by Mel Odom, and a collection of H.P. Lovecraft stories. I am currently waiting for the next book after Six Sacred Stones, by Matthew Reily, and the next book in Stephanie Meyers' Twilight series.


I tell you this much..

6 Sacred Stones is GREAT... Just like all the others with West..

Hope you enjoy it when you get your hands on it. XD

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Currently reading:

1. Curriculum Development for Medical Education- a six step approach. Kern, Thomas, Howard, Bass

2. Quran

3. Bible

4. Road to Mecca- Muhammad Asad

5. The Goldilocks Enigma- Paul Davies

6. Sophie's World- Jostein Gaarder

7. The Persian Mystics: Jami- F. Hadland Davis

8. The Universe in Nutshell- S. Hawkins


and referring to at least 30 other works related to the study of no. 1, 2 and 3


been reading no. 4 and 6 for the last few months


just started on no. 5, 7 and 8

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