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Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson.


Intricate plot details carefully woven into an amazing life journey of the heroine. A fun read with an interesting magic system, the action, the romance and friendships are compelling.


A sequel is forthcoming end of this year and movie rights are being considered! Hopefully we get to witness an epic movie trilogy.

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The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind.It's got plenty of magic and strange creatures and whatnot (No elves or dwarves or orcs though, sorry), but the books are downright disturbing.It's brimming with rape, torture, and violence, lots and lots of graphics violence.Problem is, it's actually a compelling story, and I can't stop reading them, I'm on the sixth book now out of eleven, and I will need therapy after I'm finished with them.
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The Night Watch series by Sergei Lukyanenko, not that bad a series a unique take on Magic and Vampires. the film adaptation was on of the worst thing I have ever seen... Though originally written in Russian. the English version is pretty good


Cant help but agree. The books were damn fantastic, but the films were just plain crap.

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Was reading : "The Sea of Trolls"

by: Nancy Farmer

Time it took: 3 days

My thoughts on it: >_> it was a good lore based book but the ending was to boring for me :3 lol

Edited by XxPockieNinjaxX
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