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Throwing this idea out there for anyone that might be capable of it.


My idea is to integrate the showrace menu face changer, from Riften, into the crime system. Basic premise is if you have a bounty and change your face enough guards will forget you comitted the crime. Now say if you changed your face first, lets say you copied Nazeem's exact look, then go kill Heimskr in broad daylight. With plenty of witnesses. Then you make a clean getaway. The real Nazeem will be blamed for the crime and spend it in prison. You must change your face off of the Nazeem look alike though or else the guards will get wise to you. Does not work if the npc you are impersonating is already dead. Will not work if an npc see's both the player and the impersonated character at the same time.


To impersonate a character you should have a way to copy their looks exactly (might be another mod for that) and study their clothing so that you match it exactly. It fails if you get the slightest detail wrong. Weapons should have more leeway. Excluding unique weapons or Daedric artifacts, Everyone knows that only the player has those.


I have no ability for scripting, and such. The limiters I suggested, are for a reasonable balance and chance of failure. Maybe too limiting, maybe not enough.




Another point I thought of later was that quest important npc's could somehow be immune to the blame..Such as Jarl's cause they're the ones that pay the guards to begin with. Oddly all my mod ideas have some sort of focus around abusing Nazeem or Heimskr

Edited by Stalfos81
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At the moment, there is currently a mod called 'Replace Your Criminal Face' which allows you to change your face and unable to be recognized. Though, I think something like getting another NPC blamed may be tricky to implement and could break as they may be interlaced with quests. Should some people have mods that allow essential NPCs to be killed, and you happen to get them into trouble for committing genocide in a hold, the guards may kill them. Not likely for all, some don't use said mods to change essential NPCs, but there are those who do. It definitey is a good idea though. Would be hilarious to keep getting Nazeem in trouble. :P

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There is this mod and the video shows that it works pretty good maybe try this. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38458/? lets you just go on a killing spree and when your tired you just take the mask off and you have no bounties because all crimes and bounties are put on the Gray Fox not you.

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