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Potion Glitch


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so I have FCOM and many other mods properly installed, the game runs fine but there's something with potion names. e.g. a strength potion will be labeled "ad Might" instead of "strength potion" and also "Healing III" as a healing potion, "Charging II" as a restore magicka potion, and "Resting I" as a restore fatigue potion. not a huge deal but it does take away from the immersion. any idea what's causing this and what I can do to fix it?
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i am no expert in FCOM, and i seem to have a lot fewer mods than most people, but it seems to me as if you have a conflict, did you use OBMM's conflict detector, or a similar one to try to find out what it is?
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Potion names are changed by mods like LAME. Wrye Bash has a function that also changes object and spell names in the Bashed Patch, but I am not sure if it can undo the name changes. EDIT the esp that does change the names may be optional.
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it is always possible, and if the mod that does change the potion names only affects the potions, then you will not notice any other differences, as i have noticed with German mods though, it will sometimes rename cells into german, even if the cell is not being used by the mod
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