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CBBE males


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I used the CBBE body mod, but it really annoys me how smooth and beautiful all the women are and how bland all the men look. I see these beautiful shadings and smooth textures used on the women, and i'd love for it to be done on the men as well if i could

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i know something close to what you were talking about, fair warning the person who made this clearly stated that this will never support beast races. :dry: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57952/?

milkdrinker is closer to what i want, but so is the SMB, ticker suggested. is there a way i can get both active at the same time? Some males having the swimmer, feminine phisic while the more Companion-like had the large muscles and stout shoulders?

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like, i guess this would be harder to do than automatic variants, since you're swapping out both the textures and the models, but i wonder if a modder would want to do that. a sort of automatic variant for body types. so that women can walk around with CBBE bodies or BBP bodies, or Milkdrinker, etc.

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