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Textures suddenly go hay-wire!


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I've been playing my New Vegas game for awhile, and despite all the mods I have, everything was great. A few minor bugs here and there, but nothing I couldn't deal with.
Well, I haven't added anything in a few days, and the game was looking good... Suddenly, lastnight I notice a truck trailer was mapped with the wrong texture, a few tents where straight up black, and a few NPCs had giant 4 error signs in place where I'd say eyes are supposed to be, considering those NPC's eyes were gone.
Today, I got to play the game, and literally everything was wrong... I was seeing mouth and teeth textures on roads, alot of my weapon mods were textured wrong, a gun's scope view had an error sign, curtain armors just weren't showing up... it's turned into a nightmare, with no explanation... Anyone have any ideas?

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