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Well I might offer some service already as tho I not "yet" Made any Khajiit or Dog etc Races as of yet, I have already created 4 Argonian Races out of boredom and practise for Oblivion. And these are just no mere Race Mods either.


My First One is A Unique Argonian Settlement Mod that is suppost to add a few small to medium sized Villages and towns along the Board of Black Marsh and Blackwood/the Eastern Side of Leyawiin cos thats the most swampy area in Tamriel. It adds 3 Argonian Races with slihhtly different facial features and more inportantly Skintones/Scales, Thay All ment to provide a Veriaty of Argonians to interact with and also provide Eye Candy when walking about and I just dont mean fems to drool over. I mean pretty vibrant Argonian Scales like the Na'Vi are liek to Humans in the Film Avatr.


My Arg Race & Settlment Mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32793

Its a WIP witch I wont stop working on until Im completely satisfied or if I Die all of a Sudden (:


My Second 4th Argonian Race Mod is infact based on The Infamous Lusty Argonian Maid Book, it is also hopefully gonna be some sort of Maid for your Rosethorn Hall house type deal as Well as A Companion.


My Lusty Argonian Maid Mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32793


Once I perfected these if possible, I will add more Mods in the future but really only time will tell. I also am a lil sad with the lack of Beast Races and the flippin HORDE of skimply Clad female Elf companion races, yeas Its nice to see and play an elf babe mod nowand again cos that whats part and will always be part of fantasy games but Flippin heck theres TONS of it. Think people, Try Something Different. Give the Orcs a chance or perhaps a Walking Toilet Race Hm?

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I feel using existing meshes is easier than creating new meshes for your race. You can use existing human head mesh and your own texture to make new human/elven race. But for beast race, you need to make new mesh, and only a few modders can make completely new head mesh.


Yeah... That's exactly what has stopped me from making new beast races. It's the head that never seems to want to parent correctly. It's the reason there are no major floods of beast mods. If I could find out how to rig the head properly, and get it into the game without the game exploding I would be in good shape.


I think the best I've done was my Royal Argonian race... Of course, I then had a problem rigging the cobra hood to the head properly, and it resulted in clipping. I'm glad someone decided to take the project up again ^_^.


It seems any attempt to change the original head mesh in anyway causes problems with animation and therefore makes it unusable in oblivion. I wish i had an answer, but I never got a response from the troubleshooting board.

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So, By looking over some of the mods out there, the difference is still ~HUGE~! And no one has made a mod yet they just post saying the same thing, "It's very hard" but in a way where it makes them look good. So let me just say I want a Dog mod, That works with Roberts full male body (latest version). And I want good textures not like half the mods created when they get to the Crotch they just stop. IT gets SOOOO annoying. I mean, if you look at half the mods out there for races only on the males do they quit on the crotch but on a female they continue it all the way. So, IF your a modder reading this or someone who wants to find a mod (sigh) Find one that actually didn't quit out on the crotch. I mean if you want a good cool nice screen shot and all you get is some Modders work who did awesome on everything and then you find out that they quit.... Its ANNOYING. Unlike Slof, who didn't stop on the crotch, and now her mods are pretty much the only beast mods people do enjoy to play as. I mean, if you look at the Wolven mod, THEY QUIT out on it. Same with the Soqui mod, and the vixen mod. And I can name a whole bunch more off but not to offend too many modders I'll stop. But If your someone out there who isn't some person who only likes to see women, HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohh yeah, If you look at the top 5 files right now in the Hot Files box At this time when this is posted you will see only Female mods. THAT MAKES ME SO MAD! And to add to that, none of them are beast mods. So please, Help me and help a lot of others who don't really have the time to go into the forums and post for help by Acutaly doing somthing instead of coming on here and posting something we already found, (Just to let everyone know, I was being nice. I already found all those mods. But thanks for the help anyways It was very kind of you to take your time and find something for another person who you don't know.) Witch Didn't have anything to do with what I just said, Just dont post it PLease. Oh and good luck to anyone who can find something. :thumbsup: :wallbash:
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flipin heck Ill give ya a few links to Dog Mods with Roberts male stuff Jesus:


Vexend race: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19373


Soqui Race: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20802


The Curse of Hircune - Play a Werewolf: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21738


Maybe that would put ya in the Dog house hm ? xD


As a Reward, Kudos and downloading my Mods (Optional) are desired (:

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Hey Im curious to some of the people who can create Beast heads n stuff for new Beast races: Ya know the Curse of Hircune/Werewolf models, could they be rigged and animated to the Khajiit head mesh n animation? They more or less similar in mesh and style I think but youd know best.


Curse of Hircune: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21738 - Just look at the pics of the head and give me your opinion?

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So, By looking over some of the mods out there, the difference is still ~HUGE~! And no one has made a mod yet they just post saying the same thing, "It's very hard" but in a way where it makes them look good. So let me just say I want a Dog mod, That works with Roberts full male body (latest version). And I want good textures not like half the mods created when they get to the Crotch they just stop. IT gets SOOOO annoying. I mean, if you look at half the mods out there for races only on the males do they quit on the crotch but on a female they continue it all the way. So, IF your a modder reading this or someone who wants to find a mod (sigh) Find one that actually didn't quit out on the crotch. I mean if you want a good cool nice screen shot and all you get is some Modders work who did awesome on everything and then you find out that they quit.... Its ANNOYING. Unlike Slof, who didn't stop on the crotch, and now her mods are pretty much the only beast mods people do enjoy to play as. I mean, if you look at the Wolven mod, THEY QUIT out on it. Same with the Soqui mod, and the vixen mod. And I can name a whole bunch more off but not to offend too many modders I'll stop. But If your someone out there who isn't some person who only likes to see women, HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohh yeah, If you look at the top 5 files right now in the Hot Files box At this time when this is posted you will see only Female mods. THAT MAKES ME SO MAD! And to add to that, none of them are beast mods. So please, Help me and help a lot of others who don't really have the time to go into the forums and post for help by Acutaly doing somthing instead of coming on here and posting something we already found, (Just to let everyone know, I was being nice. I already found all those mods. But thanks for the help anyways It was very kind of you to take your time and find something for another person who you don't know.) Witch Didn't have anything to do with what I just said, Just dont post it PLease. Oh and good luck to anyone who can find something. :thumbsup: :wallbash:


You see, I have no balls when it comes to asking other modders 'how they did something'. I mean, I could ask Slof... but to tell the truth she scares the living crap out of me. Burmecian did the MOGmod, and Burmecian race mod. I'd ask him/her, but I already know he/she has 3DS studio max. I would certainly like to make a Sierra/Larc or Pohkiel race from Legend of Mana if I knew how, and I know chances are nobody wants to do it so I don't ask. I've tried, buddy. I can understand your anger and I hope you understand that I can't do this until I know how. I'm not trying to make myself look any better in the process of saying I don't know how to do it. I can do simple things. Armor, weapons, and adjustments to existing models. That's my limit because I have blender, and limited knowledge of its use.


Oh, and about crotches... did you know that body mods take care of that minus textures?

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Ok, here I go again on a very long or short saying. Yes I already know about the COH mod but thanks for the suggestion. But for Trandoshan What mod is this, I run on robert full male body v5, and I dont have textures for there, so what mod is this I would love to get it. And For more info I would like someone to make a mod to fix alot of things, I would like someone to make a simple mod for beasts, I would Like for someone to make a mod for Sheaths. If you dont know what a sheath is then.... That is what animals have....... So If you find a mod like that OR make one that someone should totally do because IT IS SO NEEDED It would be cool, and dont make it over size please. And For anyone that can find a mod to fix that missing texture, Tell me I would love to have it.


I am starting to think Modders dont even read this section. (One more thing, Im not here for female mods.)


(This was a request not a bump)

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The problem is, having beast like paws, talons and feet requires scripted body part that will 'replace' normal hands and feet(Oblivion does not allow assigning different body mesh per race). And if you're using any body replacer, the scripted body parts also should be modified to fit to the body(otherwise, you will have gaps, seams, and weird texture mapping). Check 'Argonian Beautification' to find out how to give beast-like feature to a race. And here's Anthro-Dragon WIP.


Um, Oblivion allows you to use different body mesh, You just have to select it when making the race, Ive done it and making a half female/male race It works trust me, It just doesn't look nice.


(This was a reply, not a bump, Although it was posted a while after because I was over reading things and I missed someones post. So Do not blame me for replying and requesting in different boxes because Its really hard to edit a reply into a box, And if a mod wants to do it for me go ahead, just don't warn me about something I had no intention of doing.

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