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My Big Castle Mod


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Guess what ... my DirectX is working!!!!


If you could mail me your mod (yes, your current, not released, version) I'll do the script and things. I've located the bug. And I could remove the un-needed scripts as well.

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PS: Where is the secret book activator? :)


If you read the guidebook, you'd know it is in the study in the inner sanctum. It's called 'The Prince of Adversity'


If I find the time, I'll add another book which will, amongst other things, explain that title.


I'll add you to my contacts list so that forgetting is no longer an issue. You should recieve the latest version in the next 10 mins




PS You shouldn't post your email address in a public forum, or if you do, use the word 'dot' instead of . so as to fool the address harvesting programs used by spammers. Well I think that works. You shoulda PM'ed it anyway.

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