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My Big Castle Mod


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vulk harvesters. I've never received a single piece of spam. Really, it's not my personal email. I don't get much email there anyway.


The problem is my handling of Messageboxes. I'll have to figure how to read it properly. I always get -1 with the GetButtonPressed.

Any help would be appreciated. I'll try some returns.

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It's really, really anoying. Especially do to the lacking WIKI info.

I've done you another version, that fits OK into the world. (Emailed you)


This version allows unlimited renames, but there is support for limiting it.

I kept getting errors from the mannequins, but I'll have to dig in the original version first.

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This is a great mod first off. I found some pathing problems on the path up to the castle, (deer, and other creatures, roaming gaurds on horse back, ect. get stuck and just vibrate.) I love the inter sanctum. What would make the inter sactum better in my opinion, would be to link major parts of the castle to it, since this castle is just so big. I use mark and recall spells to teleport instantly to the sanctum, and with teleports, it would be so much easier and player friendly to distribute loot between the different parts of the castle, like the trophy room for example. And being able to teleport to the town doors also. Portals like the one to the archmages chamber would be alittle more asthetically pleasing for these town portals, but thats minor. And I'm not too great with modding, but whould it be possible to make a version compatible with the open cities mod. I'm not even sure if theres a conflict between the two, but every other mod that teleports you to a city does not work well with open cites. Just a thought, I know many ppl love that open cities mod. Other than that, I love calling this castle home, and I like the things you have planed for it to make it feel more like a thriving community than an empty castle. Makes me feel like a hated King. No one wants to be my friends. lol. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see the final version. Thank you for your time and your awsome mod.
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It would work with the Open Cities mod. It might look ODD if you used the doors with the mod enabled, but as long as you don't, there shouldn't be any problems. I've emailed my outcast of the name-choosing thing to WarKirby and await his judgement of it.


I think the castle is very ... empty. There isn't much lighting, and I get so confused that I have to use the map all the time. Castles should be big, but there should be some more ... marks. Special things that let you navigate around better. No teleports. Hell, teleports sucks!


I loved the deer. I killed it with hand-to-hand. Really, it's the first deer I've ever killed! (in Oblivion)

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Sorry for not posting for awhile. My grandfather acidentally snapped my DSL cable while trying to pin it to the wall so I had to wait a few days for a replacemant.


So anyway. To adress your posts


@GBHis: First of all, thank you for your support with the castle. I got the script but I havent tried it yet. I will later today. It's going to be a little more awkward to integrate the script now. I guess I'll just have to copy and paste all 16 of them.


I agree, the castle is empty. I will work on adding more general decoration and clutter but does anyone have ideas for specific landmarks that wouldn't look too out of place, and where should they go? Having built it myself, I memorized the layout before the castle existed so I struggle to see it from the viewpoint of a newcomer, I was thinking about putting signs up to tell you what room you're entering but I'm struggling to find a suitable object. Is there any book/poster that resembles a metal plaque (could someone make one?) I'd rather not use posters as they seem so fleeting against stone walls


As to the lighting, I made it dim deliberately to give atmosphere. I could easily brighten it though. How does eveeryone else feel about the lighting?




@Bad Mamma Jamma: I will fix the pathing problems postehaste. I will probably add a spell to teleport directly to the sanctum but no others. If you have problems getting around quickly, get the sonic shoes from the bedroom. As for the town portals, I considered doing mage portals, bu this has been done so many times before, I just wanted to do something original. Besides, I love the mystical quality of a door that lkooks like it goes nowhere.


As to open cities, I need the definitive word on whether or not there is any problem before I go changing things




Progress Report


Progress Is kind of slow at the moment because I'm learning as I go. So far I have significantly expanded the East wing to accommodate Its future occupants.


I have also added seven guards. I hit a stumbling block with patrol routes but I'm sure I know what to do now.


I am trying to integrate every race into the staff, so expect to see elves, redguards, orcs etc. the staff will also be of ixed gender. For somne reason, putting Khajit in causes wierd bugs. Long orange tails appear from various markers and stretch down out of the castle. Nedless to say, this dirupts immersion and unless someone can suggest a solution, there will be no khajit guards.


Also the guard will not have helmets, so as to differentiate between them a little better. If this proves unpopular, I will give them halmets.


Also, I can give the guards unique names. what does everyone think of that idea? I would need a few suggestions (like 90)


Finally, I will need beta testers when I finish the grand hall guards. I want to get any bugs out as early as possible rather than spreading them across the whole castle. Apply now!



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With a spell that reaches the sanctum and the mark and recall spell from other mods this should be great, for my situtation at least. What ever you decide I'm sure you'll make it great, youve impressed me so far. :) Oh and the super sonic shoes...... holy crap. The skin on my face is pushed back like I just jumped out of a plane and I dont think its going back anytime soon. lol j/k. Keep up the good work.


By the way what race are the gaurd going to be so I can think of names, Imperial?

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I've done the dirty work. You just have to go in-game and test it, see if you like it.

There should be 16 scrolls in the upper level.


I'm working on the finger of pointing :)

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