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My Big Castle Mod


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for cotels shield designs, i personally think that the ones with the simple dragon look alot better than the one with the complex dragon and the background.


and for the guard captain. maybe he should guard the inner sanctum? or is that a room where only you can get to? maybe he should just sit in the mess hall and drink :D . or he could maybe stand next to the throne where you can sit in the great hall? just some ideas.

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@Haslador: OK, I will release with the first shift of guards only. Haven't fixed thne portals yet.

I willl do that soon.


Also i wondered about you adding creature foot prints in to it when i use the share what ever mod and use the wood elf to get the wolfs ext and set them to not follow they jsut walk in circles lol.


I don't understand what you're talking about here. Creature foot prints... Might you mean pathgrids, that determine where NPC's walk. I've already added pathgrids to the whole castle, so I have no idea why your companions would be walking in circles. Thoughts anyone?


Being able to put people in the jail would require a script to allow you to lock the doors. Takers, anyone?


Hmm. Could you PM me with details on exactly what you're not clear on?



@Chjoco15: Haslador's going to paint a picture without a background, so it will look good.


@Mandalorian_l337: It sounds like the file's not downloading properly. Try turning down your firewall and retrying. If that doesn't work, start your own topic asking for assistance. I do it all the time and usually get help fast.

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Here comes the hard part...


I've done a script for it. I've done a lot of cool effects for the jail, too.


But I planned to release it as a really cool, exclusive feature on one of my own mods :(


I can't really decide.

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Here comes the hard part...


I've done a script for it. I've done a lot of cool effects for the jail, too.


But I planned to release it as a really cool, exclusive feature on one of my own mods :(


I can't really decide.

Why not on both of them

WarKirby might not mind if you do use them in both

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@GBHis: I wouldn't mind at all if you used your script in another mod and the castle. I wouldn't mind if it was in every other mod in existance. I simply want the castle to be as good as it can be.


What does it actually do?



@Haslador: You said you were confused about something, and I haven't heard from you since. What's going on with the dragon? PM me please.




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I have had a lot of "BSOD" ( >:( ) on my pc for the past day or two and i might not be able to play this mod untill i can get rid of the "BSOD" ( >:( ) im hoping i dont miss anything,
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I saw it already. Did I forget to comment?


They're good. Much better than I expected actually, but I've kinda got my heart set on haslador's pic. The problem is, I haven't heard from him in a few days and he's not replying.


To clarify what is apparently a confused situation, we will not be using that pic that haslador made. He is going to make an entirely new one from scratch based on my design specs. Amongst other things, it will not have a background, and it wil be a full dragon (ie not cut off like that one.)


If, for some reason it doesn't pan out, like if haslador gives up, than I would be happy to use one of yours. The one you picked though, is too elongated (ie too tall) could you pick one that is a little more rounded (not round like circle shaped though) like that black dragon tatoo that tiberiu posted a few pages back and post a few more samples



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