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My Big Castle Mod


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The woman is indeed my player. And she's not small. He's just huge. I can make him even bigger, though if he's too big he won't fit through doorways!.


@GBHis: Unless you cheat, you won't be killing this guy any time soon. He kicks serious ass. Even more so when I decide what weapon he should have. And give him an Uber enchanted version of it!



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Is custom spells cheating? I made this amazing one yesterday. It requires a passive NPC, but otherwise it rocks. "Force Look". Forces all nearby NPCs (friends and foes) to look at the target.



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@GBHis: Sneak attacks won't do much. He's lv 50. All the lesser guards are lv30 so even they'll pose a serious threat to most players. Lucky they're on your side!


Will you be making that ring script for me?


@Cotel: For the flag background I was thinking black. The cuirass is white, so pick a few diferent colours of dragon that contrast well with both black and white, and post a few sample pics.


@Paulo_Minty: All the other cities do have flags. Like Leyawiin has that goat/deer/gazelle thingy.



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Hey Warkirby just finished reading all 16 pages of this thread and its looking awesome ur realy talented (and all the suport group people) I cant wait to download it but due to my low memory im only going to download it when its full and gonna delete half of my other mods. I've added this topic to favourites!!!


Wish you luck


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