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My Big Castle Mod


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I just realised that the pic of the guard captain was the only screenshot I ever posted. So here are two more of some of the more visual stuff I've been working on.


1. I added a paddock with gate to the stables. Now your horses can wander around without getting lost.



2. The pond in the courtyard. I will make it look nicer though, like adding some flowers and nicer textures. But this gives the general idea.




I want to wait for the guard equipment to be retextured before posting any pics of them.

Haslador submitted an amazing picture that was almost perfect. He's doing final adjustments once he wakes up and then it will be ready to put on the guards.


I just noticed that this thread has more replies than any other on the Oblivion Mods board.



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Please, please, please -- change the weather. It's always raining and thundering when I go there :) I don't want to live in that region! *Moves to Topal bay, waiting for the gods to act*

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@GBHis: Ah! Thanks for reminding me. This was in my original plan for the castle and somehow got lost along the way. Could you make a script to change the weather at will? I would attach this to an activator and put it at the top of the observation tower.


It's been done before. Try searching for the 'Weather Wizard' mod. Maybe you could 'borrow' their script and adapt it for purpose?


I get perfect sun and not a cloud in the sky 70% of the time. Except the very first time I playtested the castle. An incredible thunderstorm gave it great atmosphere.


Actually, could you add that too- a raging thundersorm springing up out of nowhere the first time the player goes to the castle. That could be checked by determining if the player has the key or not.



Hopefully Haslador will make the corrections to the dragon by tomorrow. You really need to see it.


And I made the guard captain even bigger. He now stands around 11 feet tall. It's as big as he can go without being too big to fit through doors.


If you take a look at the first picture I posted, you may notice he has a cape. This is taken from Someone1074's excellent capes and cloaks mod. (Textures by Belenos).


I tried to get permission to use it but couldn't find any way to contact the author, so I figure it should be okay as long as I give them credit. Right? If anyone has a problem with it I will remove it.


Also, if I can get permission, I will incorporate the Natural Faces textures. I spent a lot of time looking at the guards faces up close and realised how pooty the vanilla textures are. Natural faces has 16 times the resolutiona and looks far better.


Expect V1.5 to be a much bigger download.



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I just noticed that this thread has more replies than any other on the Oblivion Mods board.




Well many of us are looking forward to this mod. Its great that this team continues to put effort in it, I still remember reading it the first time it was posted, Can't imagine how clogged the servers will be when we all try to download it :happy:


My Big Castle Mod=permanent mod in my game.


I doubt you will need to ask for testers, but if you do, I volunteer.

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I will need testers actually. But serious testers. I mean following NPCs around for days to make sure they eat and sleep when they're supposed to and don't walk into walls.


It won't be as fun as you think. If you still want to do it though....




I would but im having probs with Oblivion right now. The insignia is big! for me it can be the deciding factor, of course not with your mod, bcause its amazing, but can i see the insignia. so i can give you my thoughts.

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The bigger the download the better the mod will be just thinking if someone will test the desplay room so we all know if we have to take anything out, im hoping we dont have to but if we do........we do


EDIT - can anyone tell me how you switch off the borders so i can go to the obs tower, funny thing is ive been up there befor but now it wont let me

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Ok the picture is FINALLY done.


My eyes are killing me lol i have sent the email.


i hope you all like it so far i put about 19 hours into it in almost one straight day to make up for the past 2 weeks.


Well i got to go to work soon ill check on up here and my emails tomrrow to see whats all going on and reply and comments and so forth that any one has.

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Ive been watching the progress of this mod since it was announced! I dont know if anyone else told you, but hey, im impressed. This is a great mod, definetly a keep-o. So, I would very much like to congratulate you! Bravo *claps hands*. I find it that Warkirby really is going far now! I would also like to congratulate Gbhis! His scripting skill impressed me as well. I hope you two keep up the good work. Oh, and I suggest you dont add Natural faces in it, since I as many other people, already have one. A link to it would be nice however, or if it where in a separate folder. Im looking forward to the picture by Haslador. When the final version is released, I will humbly volunter to test it, if school and private life isnt too heavy on my shoulders.
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