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My Big Castle Mod


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The dragon is complete. Thanks to haslador's hard work, this is the final picture for the guard armor, shields and tapestries.




@Paulo_Minty: To switch off borders, you need to go into oblivion.ini and change 'benableborderregions=1' to ''benableborderregions=0'


You can find that file in my documents\my games. Open it with notepad.


Unfortunately, when installing v1.5, you will need to remove all items in the museum. You will also need to make sure you are outside the main gate and well away from that area whn you put in 1.5 . But that's at least a week away. When the time comes, use the 'Bag of Holding' mod to transport your stuff.



@Tiberiu: Thank you for the praise. I love it so.


Natural faces is just a texture pack, so even if you already have it, it will just overwrite them without any fuss or conflicts. And it would bring hi-res faces to those who are yet ignorant of them.




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I will need testers actually. But serious testers. I mean following NPCs around for days to make sure they eat and sleep when they're supposed to and don't walk into walls.


It won't be as fun as you think. If you still want to do it though....





Yeah that was what i was expecting, I actually did that with (I think it was his mod) Vagrant0's mod when he asked for help.

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So that's you tiberiu and maybe vulture, if he likes the dragon (?) Maybe that will do. One more tester would be good though. I haven't had any time to work on the castle today because I'm at college, right now actually. Waiting for my lecturer to show up.


What does everyone think of the dragon?



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The dragon is good, a little too green to my taste, but It should work on a different background (not white).



Yea i thought it was to but persoanly i dont like green dragons i liek blue black and red ones hehe but i hope the green dragon lovers do like it.


I have been watching this mod for a while not the start.


But it is the best out there that is for sure any who say other wise need a new pc or to get theres fixed lol

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I can make the weather. I think it's some pretty simple functions. (The hardest is the messagebox. I've only got it working ONCE.)



Just wait till you see my Project Serpent work :)

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Here is an example of a message box script (havent tested it myself, but it was in the game so it should work (even if its a test script, I think)):


scn KurtTestMagicEffect

short damage

begin ScriptEffectStart
messageBox "Bang! You're dead."

begin ScriptEffectUpdate
set damage to -50 * ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds	
modav health, damage

begin ScriptEffectFinish
messageBox "Hurt's, don't it?"

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I think he means dialog boxes where you pick an option and the script does something depending on which option you picked.




PS: I love Green Dragons!


:) well i like red and blue. Blue dragons rock the sky and red burn down towns you need a dragon for your castle burning the near by town lol.


Im almost postive that is what he means.

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I think he means dialog boxes where you pick an option and the script does something depending on which option you picked.


Oh well. I dont know about that, sorry GBhis. What background color will you use for the dragon WarKirby?

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