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My Big Castle Mod


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Ok, sorry if my post is late i do not have a lot of time during the week. The dragon look fine Ill do some cuirass and shield testing during the weekend.


The platform should be ready during the week.



so you said the cuirass should be white(well not plain white but a kind of white that is not too white ;) )


I begin to work on this as soon as possible.

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@Cotel: You don't have to make the cuirass any colour. Use the Leyawiin cuirass as base and simply replace the symbol.


Also, if it's not too much to ask, could you make the shoulder plates a little less rusty. Add a bit more shine to them. Just a thought.


@GBHis: Wow. The script worked beautifully. I love the white fog. Didn't know that existed. ;D Could you possibly make an extended version, and add more weather effects like overcast, light rain, snow etc.


Also. I'll understand if you refuse, but it would be really great if you could defeat your worst enemy on this one. The >:( MESSAGEBOX >:( .


A messagebox with choices as to which weather effect to use would be incredible.



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Also. I'll understand if you refuse, but it would be really great if you could defeat your worst enemy on this one. The >:( MESSAGEBOX >:( .


A messagebox with choices as to which weather effect to use would be incredible.



I can help in that regard. So far, I've gotten message boxes to work every time. Even though I'm working on my own mod, I need the experience in scripting, since I'm planning on making it a career. So PM me details, and then I can work with GBHis to get this out of the way.



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Ok, it was a little easier than I thought. Here is the script:

scn MyCastleWeatherSwitch
; By GBHis (Heavily modified by Omegano). Attaches to an activator.

short sw; Selected Weather
short doOnce; Only changes the weather one time per activation

Begin OnActivate

MessageBox "What type of weather would you like?", "Clear", "Cloudy", "Fog", "Rain", "Snow", "Thunderstorm", "Overcast", "Oblivion Storm", "Oblivion Fog", "Realease Weather"
set doOnce to 1


Begin GameMode

if doOnce == 1
	set sw to GetButtonPressed
	if (sw == -1)
	elseif (sw == 0)
		ForceWeather Clear 1
		message "Weather set to Clear"
		set doOnce to 0
	elseif (sw == 1)
		ForceWeather Cloudy 1
		message "Weather set to Cloudy"
		set doOnce to 0
	elseif (sw == 2)
		ForceWeather Fog 1
		message "Weather set to Fog"
		set doOnce to 0
	elseif (sw == 3)
		ForceWeather Rain 1
		message "Weather set to Rain"
		set doOnce to 0
	elseif (sw == 4)
		ForceWeather Snow 1
		message "Weather set to Snow"
		set doOnce to 0
	elseif (sw == 5)
		ForceWeather Thunderstorm 1
		message "Weather set to Thunderstorm"
		set doOnce to 0
	elseif (sw == 6)
		ForceWeather Overcast 1
		message "Weather set to Overcast"
		set doOnce to 0
	elseif (sw == 7)
		ForceWeather OblivionElectrical 1
		message "Weather set to Oblivion Storm"
		set doOnce to 0
	elseif (sw == 8)
		ForceWeather OblivionMountainFog 1
		message "Weather set to Oblivion Fog"
		set doOnce to 0
		ForceWeather DefaultWeather 0
		message "Weather has been realeased"
		set doOnce to 0


Place that on an activator, and it should work. Also, I would suggest placing the object indoors, as the transition isn't smooth. And if you want it on a lever or button, something with animation, tell me, and I'll edit the script appropriately.






If you want the transition to be smooth, change all the "ForceWeather" functions to the "SetWeather" one. I still need to write that, and test it, which will take some time, as the transitions are SLOW.

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Beautiful, Omegano :)


I really was in a hurry (It took 4m30s to write the script, from I read the request to I hit "Submit.":))

I was *so* close to missing the bus. I thought that I would just put up an example, then expand it and put in all of the weather later, if you liked it.


My problem is, that my flags (here, sw) always return -1... When I tested the namescript, it worked, but just one time.

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Maybe you could learn from him?



I can reproduce his example, but my own always fail. I *think* the trick is to call GetButtonPressed one if-layer deeper, and in another frame.


Any idea of when the 1.5 will be out?

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@GBHis: I'm thinking roughly a week from now. At least, that's how long it should take me to finish the guards.


I also need those textures from cotel.


And I'm waiting on 3 scripts from you

1. finger of pointing

2. loyal guards

3. ring that only works inside castle (henceforth referred to as 'Ring of Majesty')


How are they going?



@cotel: I was wondering if you could do one aditional texture. Remember the original dragon pic by haslador? I was wondering if you could put it in a painting. Normal map would be cool, but not essential. I think it would look great in the art gallery, and maybe a few other places. Could you?

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I'll begin testing tomorrow, if more then one of us are testing it, shouldn't it be split it into sections (i.e. give me the names or specific characters you want me to test...game mechanics etc..?) I rather not test something another is already on, anyways give me feed back on what you want guys.

keep up the good work.

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