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My Big Castle Mod


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I just want to say, great work on the guards Warkirby, sure there was some minor bugs, but man they were awesome. to make a small suggestions, could you make it so only a third of the guards are in the East Wing at a time, bcause it causes the fps to get pretty bad.
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I just want to say, great work on the guards Warkirby, sure there was some minor bugs, but man they were awesome. to make a small suggestions, could you make it so only a third of the guards are in the East Wing at a time, bcause it causes the fps to get pretty bad.

That's planned! To make sure everyone needs my ultra fps-booster _2000_ of DOOM :)

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I just want to say, great work on the guards Warkirby, sure there was some minor bugs, but man they were awesome. to make a small suggestions, could you make it so only a third of the guards are in the East Wing at a time, bcause it causes the fps to get pretty bad.

That's planned! To make sure everyone needs my ultra fps-booster _2000_ of DOOM :)


Perhaps this is a dumb question, but where do I download the update with the guards? I looked on tessource and I now have just the original peopleless (except for that gross looking guy in the dungeon) version.


Love the fireflies, btw.

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Perhaps this is a dumb question, but where do I download the update with the guards? I looked on tessource and I now have just the original peopleless (except for that gross looking guy in the dungeon) version.


Love the fireflies, btw.




Ha ha. I knew these would start appearing. You cannot download 1.5 yet because it is not ready. The Vulture was one of my beta testers. The upload to tessource has been deleted already so don't bother looking for it.




It will be released in a few days, when I have finished the bugfixing and cotel is finished with the uniforms.




Vulture. You're not supposed to go blabbing about it when you test something pre-release.





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Yeah. Sure. I thought some people on low end systems might need to edit anyway. If you enter the east wing in the morning, your framerate dies. For some reason, the frame rate stays mostly unaffected if you turn your back to the guards.


But it's only when they're eating in the morning or at night.


You need to credit the whole team though,


WarKirby---------Concept, Design, AI


Omegano---------More Scripting




and it's best to wait for the next version. Just a few days more.





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You need to credit the whole team though,


WarKirby---------Concept, Design, AI


Omegano---------More Scripting




and it's best to wait for the next version. Just a few days more.






Sweet - maybe after I get the new version I'll make some new furniture for it. Supposing I can pry myself away from making new armor meshes, that is.


Has anyone else noticed the floor disappearing in the Skingrad Mages' Guild after adding this mod? Suddenly I'm looking at a bunch of permanently falling mages. If nobody else has the same problem, I'll assume it's a broken save.

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sorry, Warkirby, I am just so excited about this mod, if you need it to be tested in a later version, just PM me.



I wish I could hav helped more, other than doing some of the names for the castle, and testing. :(

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@Sickleyield: If you make any cool furniture and feel like contributing, by all means do. It would be great to have unique furniture in the castle, and of course, you'd get your name in the credits.




Disappearing floor! This sounds bad. Can somebody please check into this ASAP. If my mod caused it there's still time to fix it.




@Vulture: Don't worry. I will contact you for more testing. In fact, could you test the skingrad mages guild?





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