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My Big Castle Mod


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Bugs I found -


In the East Wing theres a light in mid air, screen of the light




and a screen of the map




Two of the guards are getting stuck Names are Heimdall & Jamus (look at screen)




oh yeah i did find another one, on the left as you face the entrance doors theres a door to go on the battlements right, it dont work, i can use it from the battlements into the hall but not from the hall to the battlements ( Hope you get what im saying )

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Janus you mean? He got stuck training on a door, when I tested it, no light in mid-air when I tested it. Is this 1.5?

Janus is it, yeah as the screen shows on janus, the light all in the new 1.5 downloaded it last night

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The light. Unfortunate that I missed this minor detail. I will make version 1.51 in a few days to fix all these bugs. Keep the bug reports coming.




Janus/Heimdall. The reason this happens is that I have accidentally allocated the same training spot to both of them. After Janus waas found training on a door, I allocated him a training spot I thought was empty. Guess I should have looked harder.


The battlements door. Again. These things seem to break constantly. I found the problem and will have it fixed in the patch.



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Addl. Bug report. First, the things I liked:


-Variable guard hair colors. The game engine does pink and green and red, but normal NPCs never have these colors. So disappointing. I like how yours are all different.

-The Thing That Should Not Be is no longer wandering the hallway, whew.

-The two guards on either side of the throne. Neat. Though I wish they were one male, one female instead of both girls (since I'm female ;) ).

-The guards who are reading on guard duty. I like the suggestion that they're smart esp. Gordo the Orc. :)



And the problems:


-I can see blue water under the edge of a cell door in the dungeon area.

-All the doors in the Door Room are now locked and require a key that they say I don't have. Was I supposed to get this somewhere else and I missed it? I was using them before I did the upgrade with no problem.

-The pop culture guard names that don't sound at all like the guards' races. "Faith?" "Jared?" C'mon, the rest of the mod doesn't screw up my immersion. He ought to at least be Gordo gro-Hombre or something.

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And the problems:


-I can see blue water under the edge of a cell door in the dungeon area.

-All the doors in the Door Room are now locked and require a key that they say I don't have. Was I supposed to get this somewhere else and I missed it? I was using them before I did the upgrade with no problem.

-The pop culture guard names that don't sound at all like the guards' races. "Faith?" "Jared?" C'mon, the rest of the mod doesn't screw up my immersion. He ought to at least be Gordo gro-Hombre or something.




water. Must be a seam. I'll fix it.




The doors. Did you follow the instructions? I warned you distinctly to GET OUT OF THE CASTLE AND GO FAR AWAY BEFORE YOU INSTALL IT. The key is outside the front gate, and is also required to open the front gate which means you will have to fast travel to the castle, and that will put you in front of the gate.




Does anyone else have a problem with the guard names? I will change them if at least 3 people demand it.




You're female? Surprising,





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water. Must be a seam. I'll fix it.


The doors. Did you follow the instructions? I warned you distinctly to GET OUT OF THE CASTLE AND GO FAR AWAY BEFORE YOU INSTALL IT. The key is outside the front gate, and is also required to open the front gate which means you will have to fast travel to the castle, and that will put you in front of the gate.


Does anyone else have a problem with the guard names? I will change them if at least 3 people demand it.


Fair enough on the names thing. I did start outside, but I missed the part about having to go get the key again. My bad.


I think I also forgot to mention how awesome it is that the guard captain is huuuuuge. Could you point me toward the method for NPC resizing? I haven't seen it anywhere (I do use the All Shapes and Sizes mod and I love it). Please feel free to PM me if you don't want to put it on your thread.

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In light of many minor complaints about all sorts of things, another, very minor patch will be released before the arena one. It will simply fix all the bugs, reduce the corridor in the basement for faster transit around the castle, convert it to an ESM which will hopefully improve performance a little, and greatly reduce the filesize by removing unnecessary textures.




Expect it sometime this week.





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Sizes? Shrink and Enlargen?

Wait for my update of "GBHis Modders Spells" later on the week ;)


Otherwise, you can set _scale_ via scripting and console:

[ref/target.]setscale *float between 0.01 and ?2?*


Ooor, if you want to change a mod, use notepad :)

There is probably some weird way of changing size/scale in the CS, but I couldn't find it :(

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