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My Big Castle Mod


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That esm totally vulked up my new character... Water level raised 200-500 points...


Am I using the broken one, or is this a local conflict on my pc?

The esm is V1.51 the dead one, so you might want to go and get the V1.52 now

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All: Sorry for late post. My broadband is down. Internet access is somewhat limited til it is fixed. Also, can everyone see Cain's cape? some people have said that it is missing in their version.




Vandetta: I have been thinking of adding bandit attacks, but I didn't think it would work properly. Can the guards shoot over the walls ok? The speed at which they dispatched the bandits is likely due to the fact that all guards are lv30. They're elite warriors. Bandits don't stand a chance :happy:




Sickeyield+GBHis: v1.51 is baaad. Get v1.52. The reason it is so much smaller is cause I removed a lot of textures that were unused. Also, you need to remember one simple thing. Every release of my castle is standalone, that is you can download it and it will work perfectly even if you've never had any previous versions.




Haslador: If you're making a bug report, I need the names of the guards involved. Could you also take a good look over your post before you submit it, maybe run it through a spellchecker. I honestly cannot understand what you were saying.




darylb: Please don't let the current lack of custom armor stop you. It may be up to a month til next release, and the castle has a lot in it besides custom armor.





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oh beleve me i couldnt wait :P downoaded it and it was great i had some floating rocks in the garden but hardly noticable fantastic so far


ah nice to see yet another fan, of Warkirby's awesome mod.


floating rocks you say, I would test this, but I am going to meet up with my sister, I'm sure SickleYeild or Paulo_Minty will check it out.


wow this topic is popular. :D

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Progress Report.




Just thought I'd let everyone know how it's going




Arena construction: 99%


Opponent Creation: 15%


Reward Items: 1%


Battle implementation: 0%




Slow and steady wins the race :happy:




By the way. I still don't have enough prize ideas.


[email protected]




Don't tell me everyone's creativity has dried up?





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this is gonna be a bit long, i dont normally post or anything like that. just vote and move on, but i feel this mod deserves that i put more effort into the crit, then, downloaded, played, GREAT! sort of thing. considering the work put in here.


ok first time ive seen this mod and i downloaded it instantly because i wasnt very impressed with those going around. well there is one i like unfortunatly of all things they left out a THRONE ROOM.... where is an egotistical male without a father such as my self supposed to sit and have megalomaniacal thoughts people!!!!! SO... my hands began to shiver when i saw your throne room.... i was blown away!!!! the flames the large entrance the, the... man i love it.


i love the size of it all it feels great. the shoes are brilliant becasue i can fly through if i must or stroll and enjoy the power of the place. the museum, the sanctum, the library, the dinning area. massive as it should be. those days they had 100 people feasting like animals MUAHAHA those were the days. i love it... oh but the height of it all, literally, is the throne on the tower HAHAHA oh man that rocks hardcore, the view, sheesh i just cracked up laughing when i saw it there! the weather thinggy is great for those evil types so they can just make it rain and thunder heaps MUAHAHAH


i read the read me and disabled cloaks and i didnt have the other one. but i do have about 50 mods loaded so one may be conflicting. im carefull about what mods i download, and if theirs any conflict with my current mods i wont use them that simple. your mod is the first i am going to get rid of something else to use, i like it that much. but ill try one at a time and see which it is. coz the book in my study is not there, nor is the prisoner in the cells. but everything else is fine.




for the guard uniforms their is a sweet black armor called draconis armor, i got it with the francesco mod, i think ill dress all the guards in that armour. its an all black model of the Kvatch cuirass, but it has iron everything else. only the leather on the iron armor is black also. the armour has a hood instead of a helm but i put a chainmail helm on it and looks sweet and original. you should check it out if you like it, it would save you alot of time making new armour. since it fits in with all the other city guards of the world but remains original.


and my 2 cents, i really think you should put a town or a city or what ever. either inside the walls (extend them) or outside. coz such a massive castle just NEEDS a town i think. to My Castle into MY Kingdom MOd hehe. and if you did that you could kill two birds with one stone. for those people wanting a quest or to pay massive gold for it and so on. when you get the lame reward for saveing the world after the main quest that could be the REAL reward. all you would have to do is say that the previous lords were killed after an oblivion gate opened infront of the gates and deadra poured out (after all the thorns before the gates suggest it) and so you can become the new lord if you so choose. THAT IS A REAL REWARD for saving the world i think. the people wouldnt mind, hell your martins friend and your the great one, why not have you as their lord.


now if you do something like this and feel you want to really dream BIG, make the town expand on its own after certain time passes. every week - 2 weeks- something else is added outside the walls. but now im just rambling without thought of how much work that is.


but all in all, the things you wish to do with it are great i think, and are all winners. perhaps if you released the mod with certain parts cut out or what ever for those who dont want parts of the end product or something, i dont know. personally i want the whole hog, and you are really pushing the boundries here with this mod. its a good thing. coz when you do this, the whole community has no choice but to lift with you.


I salute you. though many mods have impressed me, somethng about this mod, where its going, and where it can go... just blows me away.


thank you and hope i didnt prattle on too much.

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@Paganlore: Thank you. It's nice to meet someone who truly appreciates what I am doing.


The grandiosity. Everything. It is really about visuals, but I'm adding more and more.


Stay tuned for the next release. I will (hopefully) be adding custom guard uniforms. But more importantly, the arena will be added. It will be several times the size of the Imperial City arena, and include a wide variety of opponents, many of which will be large and über powerful. I will also have several different arenas, and a selection of unique and useful prizes.


You might notice I'm being quite vague about the arena. I'm keeping most of it under wraps for now, so as not to spoil the surprise. If you have any ideas for opponents, or prizes, send an email to [email protected]


I appreciate your input on the uniforms, but I have my own idea.


Adding a town is something I am thinking about. It would be great, and actually not so difficult. But I'm mainly worried about the increased potential for conflicts. I would need to do a lot more landscaping to fit in a town, and I am getting (unconfirmed) reports of a conflict with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.


After the arena, a town is an option, but I will need to do more research into the consequences first. The next release will hopefully be in 2-3 weeks.


Thank you.





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