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My Big Castle Mod


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The next version will be a lot bigger. It's unavoidable because it will have quite a few custom textures.

EDIT: I need someone to do some testing. I have reports of conflicts with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, and the Unofficial Patch.

Could someone test these with the Castle and report back?




That's right. And I am making those custom textures as we speak, I swear. Check your email, WK. :)


I use:


The current version of the Castle (the one AFTER the broken one)

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

The Official Patch

At least a dozen others incl. the Cosmetic Compilation, Natural Environments, Myths and Legends, The Oblivion Tournament, etc.


...And my own armor mod and my tester version of my armor-mod-in-progress, and I have no problems whatsoever. I was just running around the castle last night looking at the facial tweaks I did on Lord Cain and all the guards. (Not that WarKirby's are bad, I just have a personal preference toward smaller nose bridges and higher cheekbones). Not even much of an fps hit once you get inside.


I don't think I have the Unofficial patch, so I can't report on that one. But definitely no problem with OOO.

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The Official Patch


Does that mean that the mod will become ''official patch'' dependant?


For some reason I never downloaded the official patch. I bought my game off some guy on Ebay, and I doubt it will work with it.


I would like to know if the official patch touch would make it official patch dependant.



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The Official Patch

For some reason I never downloaded the official patch. I bought my game off some guy on Ebay, and I doubt it will work with it.

I would like to know if the official patch touch would make it official patch dependant.



What I do will have no effect, since I'm working with models and textures outside the CS. I don't see why WarKirby's work in the CS would make the mod patch-dependent either, but heaven knows I'm not the expert on that.


I got my game copy from a wholesaler on ebay (where else could I get the special edition with manuals, maps and commemorative septim for $20?), and I've never had a problem with the official patch. If you have the original cd or dvd, there's no reason why you should have a problem, either.

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The official patch shouldn't change too much, so I don't think it's a problem. In fact I'm pretty sure I have the patch already, and the castle works fine.




I was asking about the unofficial patch. It's a mod which is basically just lots of bugfixes and minor adjustments. Someone put in a comment asking if there were any conflicts between it, and the Castle.




Has anyone used the two together?





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"My brain? I bought in on eBay. Only place I could something cheap that WON'T work with anything official! (Such as school, other languages and bills.)"



Paulo_Minty made his own forum? Great! What does it look like? (I dare not enter it. Afraid of the loadtime due to his insane use of images ;))

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