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My Big Castle Mod


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Thanks for all the support guys. I'll do my damndest to finish it.




As for the mannequins, the modifications were done by Omegano, not me. You'd have to ask him but I have no problem with it at all.




The mannequis are significantly modified for placement through the CS, rather than in game. You may notice I have two different types. The original, and the modified ones.




Modifications to mannequins are as follows.




Fixed the bug which causes them to reset to player position upon cell loading.


Fixed the bug which causes them to randomly move around when pathnodes are laid within 10m


Removed the option to pick up the mannequin and put it in the invenory




I don;t think Omegano would have a problem with it. And Don;t worry about asking Reznod. He has an open door policy that states his mannequins are free to use, modify and redistribute as long as credit is given.





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Thanks! I'll ask Omegano.


And GBHis, you gotta be kidding me. :) It would take me hours and hours that I could be spending on making new items. I actually tried to fix the reset/movement bugs myself not long after I first discovered Reznod's mannequins (months ago) with an entire lack of success.

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  • 3 weeks later...

okay i got the blacksmith he just went to sleep hehe here are a couple of my requests for the castle....


these might have already been said in previous posts not sure cause i didnt read them all.....


okay here they are...


Uniforms evil castle needs evil guards please customis there uniforms with some sort of evil armor :D


Arena w00t great idea i really hope you can get it to work :D


training room... can you put some swords and stuff on those stands cause i really have no idea how


Lord cain can you get him to sit in the throne and have some people kneel around him and let us customise his armor? id really like to see the witch king in there with my armor mod hehe


Vault needs more guards i dont feel good leaving my things in there with that one guard who i find isnt very trustworthy.... he stole me cheese :-(


A spawn room.... maybe some sort of room which you can make a terminal or something to spawn creatures.... or make the arena so you can fight whatever creature you want and so you can do it without waiting for a week hehe that would be awesome


last but not least a few more secret rooms which you dont tell us about e.g. pull some torch or book and it opens a secret place kinda like the sleep victim thing :D i found that kinda cool


just a few ideas and i hope you can get back to work on this soon no rush just enjoy yourself for the time being :D


Hail to mod of the year IMHO

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  • 2 weeks later...
Add a harem. If possible throw in Growlf's new mod for them. Nothing like coming home from a hard day's rape and pillage to a room full of concubines. Maybe even throw in a side quest for finding a princess to marry.
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I am not in a good mood. i have played through two major story lines and displayed all my super rare stuff on my display dolls and all the dolls vanished and now i lost all my stuff forever and i will have to start all over a gain. this mod distroyed my game.
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