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My Big Castle Mod


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@GBHis: The scripts simply refused to compile without defining the variable. I thought of something though. Are the names of the scripts important. I changed the name of the first script (on the key) not thinking it would cause any problem. Could this have caused it?


The finger of pointing? I reckon a spell. It should have no visible spell effect though so it looks more like a command than a spell.



@chjoco15: Although I aprreciate the help, Cotel offered first. And no offence, but it sounds like you don't know what you're doing. If you want to help though, you could find more pictures for the design. Read below for more guidelines.



@Cotel: Your sugestions. First of all,they all share one common problem. Theyr'e monochrome. I'd much prefer a colorful (but not garish) design.


1. A bit too detailed and complex. I'm thinking a little (though not a lot) simpler.


2&3: Don't like those at all


4: This is on the right track. I just don't like the pose. It looks like it's mooning.


5. Just a head is not enough. I need a full picture


6. My favorite, but the main problem is that it's too simple. An eagle in that pose, but with the detail level on no. 4 would be nice. Though to be honest, I'd prefer a...


7. Dragon. Unfortunately, this one's all wrong. It has no wings, and it's all curled up so it looks small. A bigger, full color one with wings. I like the idea of having a circle in the background, but the subject should not be contained within it, but rather extend out of it a fair bit


8&9: As with 5, these are only heads


The first link: Although I dont actally like any of these pictures, They do illustrate the concept of the subject extending out from the circle. Especially the crow (top middle)


All the rest of the links were pretty disappointing.


I appreciate the effort though, and hope you will take the advice on board and come back with more pics. Please remember they must be in color.



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Dragons heh? I could dig something up:


Google links (to the image only)


Mortal Combat Logo




This one looks good, but its not colored




Custom Logo designer (I think its only text though)




Then I though... Why not tattoos? They are like human logos;




Arm Tattoo








Oh boy... Couldnt direct the link on this one although it looks awesome


Black Dragon tattoo





White Dragon





Silver Dragon




Whew this got boring


Black Dragon Head




Dragon Girl (maybe youll like)




All right im way too bored. Hope those links helped.

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I Have only search for Black and White picture (not grey scale picture and no color picture because it's less easier to edit) The color and the 3d effect and the texture effect I will do it in psp. I wanted to do a similar effect to the other guard cuirass and a full color picture like Tiberu's silver dragon will maybe be to detailled for a cuirass logo.


I like this one in Tiberu's pictures :




I'll continu my search for dragon


If you want a color eagle the austria eagle can maybe to do it


(I can change the shield/flag in the middle)

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yah i dont really know what im doing. but everybody hasto start somewhere.


i found some new designs for the shild and cuirass taking into consideration what you want. i only found one though. there pretty hard to find the way you want them, but the way you want them would look the best so it is all justified lol. :P



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hello boy, i found a huge bug in the castle


to say the truth it's outside the castle, the west part of chorrol has disappeared on my oblivion game


could someone see if it's only a problem on my game or it's a common bug, in the south-west part of chorrol i see only wooden doors but all of the buildings have disappeared


my version is the 1.4

(sorry for my english, i'm not native of england or america...)


the dragon logo in tiberiu's post is very simple and maybe the best choose for the shield since it's circular

a simple and small dragon image could do the work even on the cuirass


the armor for the guards may be the legion's armor sligthly modified or even better the armor of the blades, it looks great, only the boots are not too good

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Hi All



I have not long found out about your castle mod (Its Realy Cool)


I just want to know if you got any NPC in there yet?





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Somethign similar to the Black Dragon tattoo




(just add the last one wings and voila)




















Thats all I can think of right now. What you think?

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@Bahamut85: This is the first I've heard of it. It may be a conflict with another mod that alters the same area, or it might be a problem with your oblivion. I have a similar problem, in a completely different place. An entire cell is missing from just outside Bruma in my game. Anyway, get Timeslip's Mod Manager and run the conflict detector. If it's not a conflict, then you might want to try re-installing Oblivion. Get a second opinion first though.


Does anyone else have problems with Chorrol disappearing?



@Black Arrow: No NPC's yet. I will be adding lots of guards for v1.5 though which I am working on now. I cannot give even the slightest indication of a release date though. It'll be ready when its ready.



@Tiberiu: The lack of color kinda spoils the first 4


Number 5 is pretty decent, the main problem is that it has 4 limbs (legs, wings). I prefer 6 limbed dragons (front legs, rear legs, wings)

no. 6 is too small and sparsely detailed.


no 7. is the clear winner from this pack, but it has a few flaws. Firstly, it's wings are too small. Remember the silver dragon from your last post? It should have wings that size in relation to its body. It is also missing a pair of limbs.


Keep the pics coming. The perfect one will appear sooner or later. I'll do a little searching of my own too.


This will be my last post for the night. I'm going to bed and I will check this in the morning.



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