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My Big Castle Mod


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You should DEFINITELY ship it aaaalmost empty. Anyway, I like bringing back the books myself. This is MY, the gray fox's, secret lair/castle. Not some librarian's. Books are trophies of knowledge, ye' know!


You could have some of your own works in. And your 10 favourite books from Oblivion..? How is this castle aquired by the player? Inherited from a rich (and mystical) uncle? Bought? Just randomly taken into possesion?


Did my script snippet help you? Did you want any help with the HTML/books?


Grand Arben

Castle Slott

Dunkee Marven

Bog Pattap

Pliir Caramnis


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Sorry about the long delay since the last update. Been very busy but I'm getting back to the castle now. I've still to do the exterior and the lighting in most of the cells as well as minor decoration. I filled the museum but I can't get the mannequins to work. I'm making a seperate thread called 'Reznod Mannequin Problems' to appeal for help so if anyone wants to help me post there.


Since I havent seen it anywhere else, I'm adding some differently sized display cases to the museum so you'll actually be able to put boots in a case or a really big sword without it sticking out of the end.

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I think i might hav a winning name for ya .



Castle Negrivaul





awsome name was goin to use it in my mod but yours seems more worthy. :D

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Castle Negrivaul, hmmm....


It's good, but it feels like the name of a dungeon. I'm looking for something a little more homely.


I'm aiming for the castle to be: Stately


A place to call home

A place which has everything

A place to suit any kind of player


Negrivaul sounds too close to necromancer.


I plan for the permanent guests to also act as merchants and trainers. Each will have their own particular interest that a certain part of the castle will satisfy. Just thought I would post that.


Please keep posting name ideas!


Thank you for your time



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Castle Warrick


Castle Reymand

Castle Ewen


Castle Valen




Castle Ganon


Castle Dretic




theres a couple more :D

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Castle Kilinger


Castle Giordine


Castle Serguin


Castle Uthan


Pendragon Manor


Castle Pithane


Castle Hilian


Castle Umberdon



had a brain spasm :D

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Warwick is a place in England. Even though the spelling is different I'd rather not use real place names.


Raymand and Ewen are common names of people, bar one letter.


Valen is good, but hmm... maybe not quite.


Castle Ganon is from Zelda


And I really don't like the others at all. Not sure why


Thanks for the suggestions though. I think I'm getting closer.


Keep 'em coming.




PS: I finished the lighting last night. Done almost entirely with 'real' lights, ie torches and braziers. I don't like using 'Hollywood' lights, ie lights with no obvious source as it impacts immersion.

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I kinda like pendragon manor. I was actually planning to put a big statue of a dragon in the garden. So maybe something dragon related. None of the others really struck a chord though. Many seem like meaningless words prefixed by 'castle'. I want a name that's original but also meaningful (or just sounds cool).


I appreciate the effort though. Keep it up.



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Castle Aerie



Aerie means: the nest of a bird on a cliff or mountain top


Castle Dralon


Castle Ardor



Ardor is a synonym for fire



a couple of names with a meaning :D


if u want u can look some of these words up

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