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My Big Castle Mod


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I think the shield should be of the same color as the cuirass. Would match better. Since the dragon will be green, the cuirass would look alot better if it had green edges, or somekind of green trim.
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The cuirass is white (but a duller white)


The tapestry will be black


And I'm not sure about the shield yet




@Cotel: Where are you. What do you think of the dragon. Hoiw goes the archer platforms. I need them soon..ish.


make the shield red and blue :D

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I like the dragon. tho it will be interesting to see how you guys can fit the dragon onto the sheild, and cuirass. :D



oh, and Warkirby. I can't test, my video card just went. oh well time to blow $250 on a new one. YES!!

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I suggest making the natural light in certain rooms ithe castle significantly lower, and up the ligt amount. Choosing which rooms this fits into should be decided by if there are any windows in the room/ room next to it. Most modders forget to add things like this.
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@MovingSalad: While I appreciate the sentiment, you should play the castle before making suggestions. If you had, you might have known that there are no windows, because the whole castle is inside a mountain.


Also, you can't adjust natural light on a per room basis unless every room is a seperate cell, and that would mean a lot of unnecessary load times.



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Okay, here goes the weather script:


scn MyCastleWeatherSwitch
; By GBHis. Attaches to an activator.

short cw;Current Weather
short stayput; The weather may not change when leaving the area.

Begin OnActivate
;Cycles through weathers

; set stayput to 0 (If it doesn't work right)
set stayput to 1

if (cw > 3)
set cw to 0
set cw to cw + 1

if (cw == 0)
ForceWeather Clear StayPut
elseif (cw == 1)
ForceWeather CamoranWeather StayPut
elseif (cw == 2)
ForceWeather Thunderstorm StayPut
elseif (cw == 3)
ForceWeather SigilWhiteOut StayPut
elseif (cw == 4)
ForceWeather OblivionMountainFog StayPut


I haven't tested this (I'm on my way to school), but it should work.

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